不考虑输入(密码)数据中的空字符。(显然它在空字符的第一次并发时结束)。如何解密其中包含空字符的数据?我不想使用base64 encoding
[编辑] 返回类型也是字符串,因此带有空字符的输出会被截断。解决方法是什么?或者我应该使用任何其他加密库来操作缓冲区而不是字符串?
不考虑输入(密码)数据中的空字符。(显然它在空字符的第一次并发时结束)。如何解密其中包含空字符的数据?我不想使用base64 encoding
[编辑] 返回类型也是字符串,因此带有空字符的输出会被截断。解决方法是什么?或者我应该使用任何其他加密库来操作缓冲区而不是字符串?
mcrypt 库适用于包含 \0 字符的数据。也许您在其他地方丢失了字符串的一部分,也许在打印结果之前使用了字符串函数。
我只是仔细检查了这个示例,它在解密后返回 \0 字符。如果您需要 AES 加密,您可以将 MCRYPT_TWOFISH 替换为 MCRYPT_RIJNDAEL_256。
* Encrypts data with the TWOFISH algorithm. The IV vector will be
* included in the resulting binary string.
* @param string $data Data to encrypt. Trailing \0 characters will get lost.
* @param string $key This key will be used to encrypt the data. The key
* will be hashed to a binary representation before it is used.
* @return string Returns the encrypted data in form of a binary string.
public static function encryptTwofish($data, $key)
if (!defined('MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM')) throw new Exception('The MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM source is required (PHP 5.3).');
if (!defined('MCRYPT_TWOFISH')) throw new Exception('The MCRYPT_TWOFISH algorithm is required (PHP 5.3).');
// The cbc mode is preferable over the ecb mode
$td = mcrypt_module_open(MCRYPT_TWOFISH, '', MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, '');
// Twofish accepts a key of 32 bytes. Because usually longer strings
// with only readable characters are passed, we build a binary string.
$binaryKey = hash('sha256', $key, true);
// Create initialization vector of 16 bytes
$iv = mcrypt_create_iv(mcrypt_enc_get_iv_size($td), MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM);
mcrypt_generic_init($td, $binaryKey, $iv);
$encryptedData = mcrypt_generic($td, $data);
// Combine iv and encrypted text
return $iv . $encryptedData;
* Decrypts data, formerly encrypted with @see encryptTwofish.
* @param string $encryptedData Binary string with encrypted data.
* @param string $key This key will be used to decrypt the data.
* @return string Returns the original decrypted data.
public static function decryptTwofish($encryptedData, $key)
if (!defined('MCRYPT_TWOFISH')) throw new Exception('The MCRYPT_TWOFISH algorithm is required (PHP 5.3).');
$td = mcrypt_module_open(MCRYPT_TWOFISH, '', MCRYPT_MODE_CBC, '');
// Extract initialization vector from encrypted data
$ivSize = mcrypt_enc_get_iv_size($td);
$iv = substr($encryptedData, 0, $ivSize);
$encryptedData = substr($encryptedData, $ivSize);
$binaryKey = hash('sha256', $key, true);
mcrypt_generic_init($td, $binaryKey, $iv);
$decryptedData = mdecrypt_generic($td, $encryptedData);
// Original data was padded with 0-characters to block-size
return rtrim($decryptedData, "\0");