

现在您需要将所有数字从 to 打印1n从外部到内部的三角形。



n=1+2+3+4+5+6 = 21


2 15
3 16 14
4 17 21 13
5 18 19 20 12
6  7  8  9 10 11



4 回答 4



var a=0;
var atemp=0;
var edge=0;
function cal(x,y,m){
        return atemp+1+y-a*2;
    }else if(a==m-1-y){
        return atemp+edge+x-a;
        return atemp+edge*2-2+m-y-a;

请原谅我不习惯起好名字,而且我手头没有编译器,所以我用 JS 编写了它,O(1) 内存用于:

a (minimum number of the position to the bottom, left and right), 
atemp (the total number of the outer loops of triangle caused i.e. for m=4, when we print number 10, 1-9 forms the outer loop of triangle and atemp is 9), 
edge (the edge is the longest edge of the current triangle)

仅,O(n) 用于时间复杂度,您可以通过嵌套循环(不是 JS)打印所有数字(没有填充):

for(i=0;i<m;i++){ for(j=0;j<=i;j++) print cal(j,i,m); print '\n'}

(ps。我不明白 hashkell,但我猜你的想法是这样的,如果我错过了任何案例,请指出)

于 2013-10-10T10:45:34.627 回答

如果您假设尾调用优化可以防止调用堆栈不必要地增长,那么这是一种使用恒定内存量的方法。(代码在 Python 中,但不使用任何不易移植的结构)

#returns the value at the given position in the triangle of a particular size.
def valueAt(x,y,size):
    #is position out of bounds?
    if x >= size or y >= size or x > y:
        return None
    #is position on the left edge of the triangle?
    if x == 0:
        return y+1
    #is position on the bottom edge of the triangle?
    if y == size - 1:
        return x + size
    #is position on the right edge of the triangle?
    if x == y:
        return 3*size - 2 - x
    #position must lie somewhere within the triangle.
    return 3*size - 3 + valueAt(x-1, y-2, size-3)



#adds spaces to the start of the string.
def pad(v, amt):
    while len(v) < amt:
        v = " " + v
    return v

def showTriangle(size):
    #figure out how many characters long each value should be, 
    #based on the length of the largest number
    maxValue = size * (size+1) / 2
    maxLength = len(str(maxValue))

    for y in range(size):
        print "\n",
        for x in range(y+1):
            val = valueAt(x,y,size)
            if val:
                print pad(str(val), maxLength),

for i in range(3, 12+1, 3):
    print "\n"


2 6
3 4 5

 2 15
 3 16 14
 4 17 21 13
 5 18 19 20 12
 6  7  8  9 10 11

 2 24
 3 25 23
 4 26 39 22
 5 27 40 38 21
 6 28 41 45 37 20
 7 29 42 43 44 36 19
 8 30 31 32 33 34 35 18
 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

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10 41 63 64 65 66 67 68 51 25
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def valueAt(x,y,size):
    acc = 0
    while True:
        #is position out of bounds?
        if x >= size or y >= size or x > y:
            return None
        #is position on the left edge of the triangle?
        if x == 0:
            return acc + y+1
        #is position on the bottom edge of the triangle?
        if y == size - 1:
            return acc + x + size
        #is position on the right edge of the triangle?
        if x == y:
            return acc + 3*size - 2 - x
        #position must lie somewhere within the triangle.
        acc += 3*size - 3
        x-= 1
        y -= 2
        size -= 3
于 2013-10-09T12:35:05.727 回答

O(1)用于内存。它打印相互插入的三角形的 3 个部分。每个三角形由 3 行数字组成 - 左侧垂直,底部水平,右侧对角线放置数字。对于任何内部三角形,我们都知道由外部三角形计算的起始左上角数。打印过程由 3 个循环组成,打印与当前行对应的三角形部分:

  • 打印左垂直部分
  • 打印底部
  • 打印对角线数字

它遍历所有行 (i) 并保持 t 中的三角形数量。java中的代码,只需将main中的m更改为您想要的任何内容:


public static void main(String[] args) {
    int m = 9;
    int t = 1;
    int p = 2;
    for (int i = 1; i <= m; i++) {
        if (t*2 < i && t+i < m) {
        int m1 = 0;
        for (int k = 1; k <= t && k <= i; k++) {
            System.out.print((i-(k - 1)*2 + m1)  + " ");
            m1 = getEnd(m, k); 
        if (m - t + 1 == i) {
            m1 = getEnd(m, t) + m-3*t;
            for (int k = 1; k <= p; k++) {
                System.out.print((k + m1)  + " ");
            p += 3;
        for (int k = t; k > 0; k--) {
            if (i < 2*k) {
            m1 = getEnd(m, k) + 2*k;
            System.out.print((m1 - i)  + " ");

private static int getEnd(int m, int t) {
    if (t == 0) {
        return 0;
    int e = 3*m - 3;
    for (int k = 1; k < t; k++) {
        e += 3*(m - 3*k) - 3;
    return e;


2 6 
3 4 5

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for (int i = 1; i <= m; i++) {
        for (int j = 1; j <= i; j++) {
            int t = Math.min(Math.min(i - j + 1, j), m - i + 1);
            int tSide = m - 3 * (t - 1);
            int end = (m + tSide + 1) * (m - tSide) / 2;
            if (t == j) {
                // vertical line
                System.out.print(end + i - t * 2 + 2 + " ");
            } else if (t == m - i + 1) {
                // bottom line
                System.out.print(end + tSide + j - t + " ");
            } else {
                // diagonal
                System.out.print(end + tSide * 2 + m - i - t + " ");
于 2013-10-10T09:03:32.657 回答

来吧,根据 xy 和 m 直接计算值。O(1) 时间,O(1) 空间。我相信这种方法可能是最快的。

更新: Pass By 写了一个漂亮、简洁的概括,似乎受此启发 - 请参阅那个答案。


import Control.Monad (forM_)

f x y m 
  | rem m 3 /= 0 = error "Can only construct triangle if m is divisible by 3."
  | x > m || y > m || x < 1 || y < 1 = error "x and/or y out of bounds."
  | y == 1       = 1
  | y == m       = x - 1 + m
  | y <= lastTop = if x > div (if even y then y else y - 1) 2 + 1
                      then xOnHypotenuse
                      else xOnAltitude
  | otherwise    = let x0 = div (div (2*m) 3) 2 + 1 - (y - 2 * div m 3)
                       x1 = x0 + 2 + 3*(y - 2 * div m 3 - 1)
                   in if x < x0 
                         then xOnAltitude
                         else if x > x1 
                                 then xOnHypotenuse
                                 else xOnBase x0
 where top y = div (m*(m + 1)) 2 
             - div ((m - 3 * div y 2)*(m - 3 * div y 2 + 1)) 2
       lastTop = div (2 * m) 3
       xOnAltitude = let triangleNum = x
                         appropriateY = 2*(triangleNum - 1)
                         toAdd = y - appropriateY
                     in top appropriateY + toAdd
       xOnHypotenuse = let triangleNum = y - x + 1
                           appropriateY = 2*triangleNum 
                           toSubtract = y - appropriateY
                       in top appropriateY - toSubtract
       xOnBase baseStartingPosition = 
         let triangleNum = m - y + 1
             appropriateY = 2*(triangleNum - 1)
             baseStartingNum = top appropriateY 
                             + m - (2 + if triangleNum > 2 
                                           then 3*(triangleNum-2) 
                                           else 0) - 1
             toAdd = x - baseStartingPosition
         in baseStartingNum + toAdd

display m = 
  let maxLength = length . show $ div (m*(m + 1)) 2
      pad num = let x = length . show $ num 
                in concat (replicate (maxLength - x) " ") ++ show num
  in forM_ [1..m] (\y -> 
       forM_ [1..y] (\x -> if x == y 
                              then putStrLn (pad $ f x y m) 
                              else putStr $ (pad $ f x y m) ++ " "))


*Main> f 3 4 6

*Main> f 5 7 9

*Main> f 4 11 12

*Main> f 53214 64321 99999
(0.01 secs, 518532 bytes)

*Main> display 6
 2 15
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于 2013-10-10T01:54:42.120 回答