I want a query that returns the number of sequential match of words in two strings example:
Id column1 column2 result
1 'foo bar live' 'foo bar' 2
2 'foo live tele' 'foo tele' 1
3 'bar foo live' 'foo bar live' 0
to get total number of occurrence I am using:
select id, column1,column2,
extractvalue(dbms_xmlgen.getxmltype('select cardinality (
sys.dbms_debug_vc2coll(''' || replace(lower(column1), ' ', ''',''' ) || ''') multiset intersect
sys.dbms_debug_vc2coll('''||replace(lower(column2), ' ', ''',''' )||''')) x from dual'), '//text()') cnt
from table.
Can anyone please suggest a query on similar lines for sequential match also as I want number of sequential matches and number of occurrences shown together.