You are using a bareword here:
# ^--- here, the "k" is a bareword
If you use warnings
this will give a warning
Unquoted string "k" may clash with future reserved word at line 10.
Argument "k" isn't numeric in array element at line 10.
And the "k" will be interpreted as a string, will be converted to a number, which will be zero 0
, so all your data is stored in $y[0]
This is why it is a very bad idea to not turn warnings on.
What you probably want instead is to push the new values onto the array:
push @y, $current;
This is, IMO, preferable to using an index, since it does all that work for you. Usually, you only want to specifically get involved with array indexes if the indexes themselves are of value for you, such as when comparing array elements.
This also means that your subsequent for loop
for ($k=0;$k<$N;$k++) {
print "$y[k]\t";
Is better written
for (@y) {
print "$_\t";
Although this is better written with join
print join "\t", @y;
As a final note, you should always use
use strict;
use warnings;
It takes a small amount of learning to overcome the additional noise when using these pragmas, but it is well worth it in terms of learning and reducing your time spent debugging. I usually say that not using these pragmas is like covering up the low oil warning lamp in your car: Not knowing about the errors does not solve them.