"java.lang.IllegalStateException: Failed to resolve to a single NodeRef with parameters (store=workspace:SpacesStore uuid=null path=/app:company_home/cm:DCSL_DOCS/cm:Scanned_Docs), found 0 nodes."
protected Reference createSpace(Reference parentref, String spacename) throws Exception {
Reference space = null;
ParentReference parent = ReferenceToParent(parentref);
try {
System.out.println("Entering space:" + spacename+":");
space = new Reference(STORE, null, parent.getPath() + "/cm:" + ISO9075.encode(spacename));
WebServiceFactory.getRepositoryService().get(new Predicate(new Reference[]{space}, STORE, null));
} catch (Exception e1) {
System.out.println("The space named " + spacename + " does not exist. Creating it.");
parent.setChildName(Constants.createQNameString(Constants.NAMESPACE_CONTENT_MODEL, normilizeNodeName(spacename)));
//Set the space's property name
NamedValue[] properties = new NamedValue[]{Utils.createNamedValue(Constants.PROP_NAME, spacename)};
// Create the space using CML (Content Manipulation Language)
CMLCreate create = new CMLCreate("1", parent, null, null, null, Constants.TYPE_FOLDER, properties);
CML cml = new CML();
cml.setCreate(new CMLCreate[]{create});
//Execute the CML create statement
try {
} catch (Exception e2) {
System.err.println("Can not create the space.");
throw e2;
return space;