好的,这就是场景。我有总是在一起的静态键对。一个键是索引(aka ),一个键是描述(aka or )。我事先知道所有这些键,所以唯一真正改变的是值,永远不会添加新键。intstringenum




1/Name ----> "danny"        //1 and Name are known in advance and always go together. also, they always point to a string
2/Age  ----> 24             //2 and Age are known in advance and always go together. also, they always point to an int
3/Time ----> 352343463463L  //3 and Time are known in advance and always go together. also, they always point to a long
4/Occupation    ---> [description] "magician"
                ---> [type] "entertainer"
                ---> [years] 3              //4 and Status are known in advance and always go together. also they will always point to 2 strings and and an int (or an object contraining 2 strings and an int...)


set(1, "Jasmine");
get(1);             //returns "Jasmine"
get(Name);          //return "Jasmine"  (name can be either string or enum I suppose)
getDescription(1);  // returns Name (again, name could be either string or enum). this function could possibly be merged with get(1) to have it return both description and value in the first place.

set(2, 32);
get(2);             //returns 32
get(Age);            //returns 32

4 回答 4



class Entry {
  int index;
  String description;
  Object value;

声明 2 个 HashMap:

HashMap<Integer, Entry> idxValue=new HashMap<Integer, Entry>();
HashMap<String, Entry> descrValue=new HashMap<String, Entry>();


于 2013-10-09T08:02:34.227 回答


TypedMap map = new TypedMap();

String expected = "Hallo";
map.set( KEY1, expected );
String value = map.get( KEY1 ); // Look Ma, no cast!
assertEquals( expected, value );

List<String> list = new ArrayList<String> ();
map.set( KEY2, list );
List<String> valueList = map.get( KEY2 ); // Even with generics
assertEquals( list, valueList );


enum Key {
    Name(1) { @Override public TypedMapKey<String> getKey() { return NAME_KEY; },

    private static Key[] byIndex = new Key[MAX_INDEX+1];
    static {
        for( Key key : values() ) { byIndex[key.index] = key; }

    public static byIndex(int index) {
        return byIndex[index]; // I suggest non-null checks here if you have gaps

    private Key(int index) {
        this.index = index;

    public TypedMapKey<?> getKey() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException( "Please override"; ) }
于 2013-10-09T07:57:19.197 回答

创建一个简单的类来保存数据,并使用支持字段制作类似NameAge等 bean 的属性:

private int age; 

public getAge() { return age; } 

public setAge(int value) { age = value; }


public @interface FieldInfo {
    int ordinal();
    String description();


@FieldInfo(ord=1, description="Age")
private int age; 

public getAge() { return age; } 

public setAge(int value) { age = value; }

为您的数据类创建一个基类,其中包含可以使用字段序号获取/设置值的通用方法get()set()方法,以及返回给定序号的字段描述的 getDescription() 方法。使用反射this.getClass().getDeclaredFields()获取Fields[],然后使用Field.getAnnotation(FieldInfo.class)获取每个字段的注解。

由于数据类属性在运行时不会更改,因此如果您经常使用序数访问字段,您可以在静态构造函数中为每个数据类类型构建两个静态查找<int, Field><int, String>加快处理速度。使用这种方法,您可以通过扩展注释来进一步描述字段,并且您的数据类仍然是具有传统 getter/setter 的简单类。

于 2013-10-09T08:45:13.403 回答



public class Key<VALUETYPE> {
    private final Integer          index;
    private final String           description;
    private final Class<VALUETYPE> valueType;

    public Key(final Integer index, final String description, final Class<VALUETYPE> valueType) {
        this.index = index;
        this.description = description;
        this.valueType = valueType;

    public Integer getIndex() {
        return index;

    public String getDescription() {
        return description;

    public Class<VALUETYPE> getValueType() {
        return valueType;

    public int hashCode() {
        return index.hashCode();

    public boolean equals(final Object obj) {
        if (this == obj) { return true; }
        if (obj == null) { return false; }
        if (getClass() != obj.getClass()) { return false; }
        Key<?> other = (Key<?>) obj;
        return index.equals(other.index);



public class MapAccessor {
    private final Map<Integer, Key<?>> keyMap;
    private final Map<Key<?>, Object>  valueMap;

    public MapAccessor(final Map<Integer, Key<?>> keysByIndex, final Map<Key<?>, Object> valueMap) {
        this.keyMap = keysByIndex;
        this.valueMap = valueMap;

    public void put(final Integer index, final Object value) {
        Key<?> key = keyMap.get(index);
        if (key.getValueType().isInstance(value) || value == null) {
            valueMap.put(key, value);
        else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Wrong type of value for index " + index + ", expected: " + key.getValueType()
                    + ", actual: " + value.getClass());

    public <VALUETYPE> VALUETYPE get(final Key<VALUETYPE> key) {
        return key.getValueType().cast(valueMap.get(key));

    public Object get(final Integer index) {
        Key<?> key = getKey(index);
        return key == null ? null : get(key);

    public Key<?> getKey(final Integer index) {
        return keyMap.get(index);

    public String getDescription(final Integer index) {
        Key<?> key = getKey(index);
        return key == null ? null : key.getDescription();

或者,您可以将其放在子类中,HashMap<Key<?>, Object>而不是委托给它。


public class ExampleUsage {
    private static final Key<String>   NAME  = new Key<>(1, "Name", String.class);
    private static final Key<Integer>  AGE   = new Key<>(2, "Age", Integer.class);

    private static final Map<Integer, Key<?>> keysByIndex = buildKeysByIndex(NAME, AGE);

    public static void main(final String... args) {
        Map<Key<?>, Object> valueMap = new HashMap<>();

        MapAccessor accessor = new MapAccessor(keysByIndex, valueMap);

        accessor.put(1, "Jasmine");
        String nameByIndex = (String) accessor.get(1); // returns "Jasmine", cast can't be avoided
        String nameByKey = accessor.get(NAME); // returns "Jasmine", no cast necessary
        Key<?> nameKeyByIndex = accessor.getKey(1); // returns NAME
        String nameDescriptionByIndex = accessor.getDescription(1); // returns "Name"

        accessor.put(2, 32);
        Integer ageByIndex = (Integer) accessor.get(2); // returns 32, cast can't be avoided
        Integer ageByKey = accessor.get(AGE); // returns 32, no cast necessary
        Key<?> ageKeyByIndex = accessor.getKey(2); // returns AGE
        String ageDescriptionByIndex = accessor.getDescription(2); // returns "Age"

    private static Map<Integer, Key<?>> buildKeysByIndex(final Key<?>... keys) {
        Map<Integer, Key<?>> keyMap = new HashMap<Integer, Key<?>>();
        for (Key<?> key : keys) {
            keyMap.put(key.getIndex(), key);
        return Collections.unmodifiableMap(keyMap);
于 2013-10-09T08:19:16.703 回答