I have the following query
CREATE TABLE yourtable
([Country_Code] varchar(3),[Location] varchar (10),[ProcessedMonth] nvarchar(50),[ProcessedYear] nvarchar(50),[BillingMonth] nvarchar(50),[BillingYear] nvarchar(50), [aaa] nvarchar(40),[aaa Narration] nvarchar(40),[aaa Remarks] nvarchar(40), [bbb] nvarchar(40), [bbb Narration] nvarchar(40),[bbb Remarks] nvarchar(40), [ccc] nvarchar(40),[ccc Narration] nvarchar(40),[ccc Remarks] nvarchar(40), [ddd] nvarchar(40),[ddd Narration] nvarchar(40),[ddd Remarks] nvarchar(40))
INSERT INTO yourtable
([Country_Code],[Location],[ProcessedMonth],[ProcessedYear],[BillingMonth],[BillingYear] , [aaa],[aaa Narration],[aaa Remarks] , [bbb],[bbb Narration],[bbb Remarks] , [ccc],[ccc Narration],[ccc Remarks], [ddd],[ddd Narration],[ddd Remarks] )
('IND','-1', 'sep', '2013', 'sep', '2012','1','asdf1','qwer1','2','asdf2','','3','','qwer3','Y','asdf4','wqeq4')
Declare @Col nvarchar(max)
Declare @ServiceName nvarchar(50)
Select @Col = ''
Declare #tmpColList cursor for
Select ServiceName from tbl_servicemapping order by serviceid
Open #tmpColList
Fetch from #tmpColList into @ServiceName
while @@FETCH_STATUS = 0
if @Col = ''
Select @Col = '''' + @ServiceName + ''''
Select @Col = @Col + ',' + '''' + @ServiceName + ''''
Fetch from #tmpColList into @ServiceName
close #tmpColList
deallocate #tmpColList
print @Col --o/p of this statement is 'aaa','bbb','ccc','ddd','eee',
@colsUnpivot1 AS NVARCHAR(MAX),
@colsUnpivot2 AS NVARCHAR(MAX),
select @colsUnpivot = stuff((select ','+quotename(C.name)
from sys.columns as C
where C.object_id = object_id('yourtable') and
C.name != 'Country_Code'
and C.name!='Location'
and C.name!='ProcessedMonth'
and C.name!='ProcessedYear'
and C.name!='BillingMonth'
and C.name!='BillingYear'
and C.Name not like '%Narration'
and C.Name not like '%Remarks'
for xml path('')), 1, 1, '')
select @colsUnpivot1 = stuff((select ','+quotename(C.name)
from sys.columns as C
where C.object_id = object_id('yourtable') and
C.name != 'Country_Code'
and C.name!='Location'
and C.name!='ProcessedMonth'
and C.name!='ProcessedYear'
and C.name!='BillingMonth'
and C.name!='BillingYear'
and C.Name not in (@Col)
and C.Name not like '%Remarks'
for xml path('')), 1,1, '')
select @colsUnpivot2 = stuff((select ','+quotename(C.name)
from sys.columns as C
where C.object_id = object_id('yourtable') and
C.name != 'Country_Code'
and C.name!='Location'
and C.name!='ProcessedMonth'
and C.name!='ProcessedYear'
and C.name!='BillingMonth'
and C.name!='BillingYear'
and C.Name not in (select @Col)
and C.Name not like '%Narration'
for xml path('')), 1,1, '')
set @query
= 'select country_code,Location,processedmonth,processedyear,billingmonth,billingyear, servicename,Value as NoOfRecords,Val as Narration,Vale as Remarks
from yourtable
for servicename in ('+ @colsunpivot +')) as r
( Val
for servicenamenarration in ('+ @colsunpivot1 +')) as t
( Vale
for servicenameremarks in ('+ @colsunpivot2 +')) as f
WHERE RIGHT(Val, 1) = RIGHT(Value, 1) and RIGHT(Val, 1) = RIGHT(Vale, 1); '
--drop table yourtable
It says invalid column name 'aaa','bbb' etc.., but when i hard cord the @col
values i am not getting any error and also the desired o/p should be:
country_code Location processedmonth processedyear billingmonth billingyear servicename NoOfRecords Narration Remarks
IND -1 sep 2013 sep 2012 aaa 1 asdf1 qwer1
IND -1 sep 2013 sep 2012 bbb 2 asdf2
IND -1 sep 2013 sep 2012 ccc 3 qwer3
IND -1 sep 2013 sep 2012 ddd Y asdf4 qwer4
Kindly help how to achieve this. Thanks..