我试图计算文件中具有匹配答案的每一行作为考试解决方案,并使用考试解决方案计算每行正确答案的数量。我试图计算具有正确答案的人数作为存储在类中的测试答案,一旦读取文件并将文件数组存储到类中 - 在将文件数组放入类构造函数以计算答案之后,但我可以'不,因为我得到了班级不计算的错误答案。你如何在Java中解决这个问题,我可以计算文件数组并将其存储到类中?


    A A A A A A B A A A B C A A A A C B D A
    B D A A C A B A C D B C D A D C C B D A
    B D A A C A B A C D B C D A D C C B D A



import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;

 * http://www.java-examples.com/read-char-file-using-datainputstream

public class Exam {
 private static boolean pass; //passed if student passes exam
 private static int allRightQuestions=0; //counts number of people having full     marks
 private static int lessThan5score=0; //counts number of people having < 5 scores
 private static int lessThan10Score=0; //counts number of people having < 10 scores
 private static int totalCorrect; //number of questions being answered correctly
 private static int totalIncorrect; //number of questions being answered wrongly
 private static int questionsMissed[][]; //array for storing the missed question numbers
 private static int passNo = 0; //number of people passing by having at least 15/20
 private static int failNo = 0; //number of people failing by having less than 15/20 
 private static int row = 0;//for counting rows of 20 answers
 private static int column = 0; //for counting letter exam answers
private static String showanswers = new String("B D A A C A B A C D B C D A D C C B D A");//the exam solution
String[] realanswers = new String[20];
private static String showresults[];

public Exam(String[] showresult, int rows)  
    // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub

    showresult = new String[rows];
    showresults = showresult;
    row = rows;


public void sequentialsearch() //check the student having full marks

for ( row = 0; row<= showresults.length; row++) 
        if (showresults[row].equals(showanswers ))
            pass = true;
            passNo +=1;
            allRightQuestions +=1;  
        pass = false;

    getallright();//counts number of people having full marks
    passNo();//count number of people passing

public int getallright()
    return allRightQuestions;

public int passNo() //shows number of people who pass
    return passNo;

public void checkwronganswers(String[] showresult, int row)  //working out the number of wrong and right answers in test

    boolean found = false;
    int failure =0;
    for ( row = 0; row <= showresult.length; row++)
    for ( column = 0; column <= 20; column+=2)  
        if (showanswers.charAt(column) == showresults[row].charAt(column))
            found = true;
            totalCorrect +=1;
        if (totalCorrect > 14 && totalCorrect <=20)
            passNo += 1;    
            failNo +=1; 
            if ( totalCorrect < 10)
           lessThan10Score +=1;
           failure += lessThan10Score;   
            if ( totalCorrect < 5)
                lessThan5score +=1;
            failure += lessThan5score;

            failNo = failure;


    public int fail()//number of people who failed
        return failNo;

    public int lessthan5right()//number of people having < 5 right answers
        return lessThan5score;

    public int lessthan10right()//number of people having < 5 right answers
        return lessThan10Score;

    public String show()
        return showresults[0];

    public boolean passed()
        return pass;

    public int totalIncorrect()
        return totalIncorrect;

    public int totalCorrect()
        return totalCorrect;

    public int questionsMissed()
        return questionsMissed[0][0];


    import java.io.*;
     import java.util.Scanner;
    public class ExamDemo {

private static Scanner kb;
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException{
    // TODO Auto-generated method stub
    int row = 0;
    String[] showresults = new String[30]; //student answers

    kb = new Scanner(System.in);
    System.out.println(" Enter text:" );
    String fileName = kb.nextLine();

    File file = new File(fileName);
    Scanner inputfile = new Scanner(file);

while( inputfile.hasNext() && row< showresults.length)  

showresults[row] = inputfile.nextLine();
System.out.println( "row" + row + ":" + showresults[row]);


System.out.println( row );
showresults = new String[row];
System.out.println( "accepted" );

Exam exam = new Exam(showresults, row); 
System.out.println( "reached"); 

System.out.println("students having all questions correct=" + exam.getallright());    
System.out.println("students having passed the questions = " + exam.passNo() );
System.out.println("students having failed the questions = " + exam.fail() );
System.out.println("students having less than
    5 the questions right= " + exam.lessthan5right() );
System.out.println("students having less than 10 
    the questions right= " + exam.lessthan10right() );


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