I have created application and I also have another application which I have no source code of, another application has dialog box with the label which displays progress status of the current job in percentages, it looks like this:

Dialog Box

What I am trying to achieve is to capture status of this label, and keep updating label which I had created within my own application.

As far as I understand I have to use WM_GETTEXT or WM_COPY functions, but I do not even know where to start, by the way I know how to use FindWindow function.

So far I have managed utilising spy++ to capture information about the main window:

  • Handle:0020040A
  • Caption: Import
  • Class: TfrmProgress

And also I could get a class and handle of the window within the main window, highlighted below:

enter image description here

The class and handle are:

  • Handle: 00080610
  • Class: Tpanel


I have also managed to retrieve handle and class of progress bar:

  • Handle: 00090400
  • Class: TProgressBar


How can I reflect status of the label from this dialog box onto the label within my application or reflect the progress bar?


I am trying to achieve this because this dialog box is not available all the time e.i. it only appears sometimes and it took me a long time trying to capture it. But I want to see the progress of the given to the application task.

Thank you and any help would be welcome.


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