我想根据遵循特定格式( )的标题将字符串拆分为多个部分。这是输入字符串的样子:
== Section header ==
Text inside section
=== Maybe a nested section ===
With some more text
And more text
==Then the next section header, perhaps w/o spaces between text and equals signs==
With text inside it
'== Section header ==
Text inside section
=== Maybe a nested section ===
With some more text
And more text',
'==Then the next section header, without spaces between text and equals signs==
With text inside it'
pagetext = "== Test header ==\n Some test text, with random equals signs==newlines\n or whatever\n ==Another header == \n more text,\nnewlines\nohmy"
sections = [];
section_re = /==\s*(\s*[^=]*)\s*==/g;
var section_headers = pagetext.match(section_re);
for (var i = 0; i < section_headers.length; i++) {
var section_start = pagetext.indexOf(section_headers[i]);
var section_text = pagetext.substring(section_start);
if (i < section_headers.length - 1) {
var section_end = section_text.substring(section_headers[i].length).indexOf(section_headers[i + 1]) + section_headers[i].length;
section_text = section_text.substring(0, section_end);
["== Test header ==\n Some...ith random equals signs", "==newlines\n or whatever...ore text,\nnewlines\nohmy"]