
我在 WinForms 中工作,感谢一些有用的博客文章整理了一个非常好的解决方案,我想分享它。

我很想看看这个问题是否有其他优雅的解决方案,或者如何在 WPF 中完成。


7 回答 7



  1. 确定悬停在哪个项目上
  2. 当用户将鼠标悬停在一个项目上,然后在列表框中移动光标并悬停在另一个项目上时,触发 MouseHover 事件。

第一个问题很容易解决。通过在 MouseHover 的处理程序中调用类似以下的方法,您可以确定悬停在哪个项目上:

private ITypeOfObjectsBoundToListBox DetermineHoveredItem()
    Point screenPosition = ListBox.MousePosition;
    Point listBoxClientAreaPosition = listBox.PointToClient(screenPosition);

    int hoveredIndex = listBox.IndexFromPoint(listBoxClientAreaPosition);
    if (hoveredIndex != -1)
        return listBox.Items[hoveredIndex] as ITypeOfObjectsBoundToListBox;
        return null;


第二个问题是,在光标离开控件的客户区域然后回来之前,通常不会再次触发 MouseHover 事件。

您可以通过包装TrackMouseEventWin32API 调用来解决此问题。
在以下代码中,该ResetMouseHover方法封装了 API 调用以获得所需的效果:重置控制悬停事件何时触发的底层计时器。

public static class MouseInput
    // TME_HOVER
    // The caller wants hover notification. Notification is delivered as a 
    // WM_MOUSEHOVER message.  If the caller requests hover tracking while 
    // hover tracking is already active, the hover timer will be reset.

    private const int TME_HOVER = 0x1;

    private struct TRACKMOUSEEVENT
        // Size of the structure - calculated in the constructor
        public int cbSize;

        // value that we'll set to specify we want to start over Mouse Hover and get
        // notification when the hover has happened
        public int dwFlags;

        // Handle to what's interested in the event
        public IntPtr hwndTrack;

        // How long it takes for a hover to occur
        public int dwHoverTime;

        // Setting things up specifically for a simple reset
        public TRACKMOUSEEVENT(IntPtr hWnd)
            this.cbSize = Marshal.SizeOf(typeof(TRACKMOUSEEVENT));
            this.hwndTrack = hWnd;
            this.dwHoverTime = SystemInformation.MouseHoverTime;
            this.dwFlags = TME_HOVER;

    // Declaration of the Win32API function
    private static extern bool TrackMouseEvent(ref TRACKMOUSEEVENT lpEventTrack);

    public static void ResetMouseHover(IntPtr windowTrackingMouseHandle)
        // Set up the parameter collection for the API call so that the appropriate
        // control fires the event
        TRACKMOUSEEVENT parameterBag = new TRACKMOUSEEVENT(windowTrackingMouseHandle);

        // The actual API call
        TrackMouseEvent(ref parameterBag);

有了包装器,您只需ResetMouseHover(listBox.Handle)在 MouseHover 处理程序的末尾调用,即使光标停留在控件的范围内,悬停事件也会再次触发。

我确信这种方法,将所有代码粘贴在 MouseHover 处理程序中必然会导致触发比实际需要更多的 MouseHover 事件,但它会完成工作。任何改进都非常受欢迎。

于 2008-10-10T18:58:20.887 回答

使用 MouseMove 事件,您可以跟踪鼠标所在项目的索引,并将其存储在一个变量中,该变量在 MouseMove 之间保持其值。每次触发 MouseMove 时,它​​都会检查索引是否已更改。如果是这样,它将禁用工具提示,更改此控件的工具提示文本,然后重新激活它。

下面是一个示例,其中 Car 类的单个属性显示在 ListBox 中,但是当悬停在任何一行上时会显示完整信息。为了使这个示例工作,您只需要一个名为 lstCars 的 ListBox 和一个 MouseMove 事件和一个在 WinForm 上名为 tt1 的 ToolTip 文本组件。


    class Car
        // Main properties:
        public string Model { get; set; }
        public string Make { get; set; }
        public int InsuranceGroup { get; set; }
        public string OwnerName { get; set; }
        // Read only property combining all the other informaiton:
        public string Info { get { return string.Format("{0} {1}\nOwner: {2}\nInsurance group: {3}", Make, Model, OwnerName, InsuranceGroup); } }


    private void Form1_Load(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
        // Set up a list of cars:
        List<Car> allCars = new List<Car>();
        allCars.Add(new Car { Make = "Toyota", Model = "Yaris", InsuranceGroup = 6, OwnerName = "Joe Bloggs" });
        allCars.Add(new Car { Make = "Mercedes", Model = "AMG", InsuranceGroup = 50, OwnerName = "Mr Rich" });
        allCars.Add(new Car { Make = "Ford", Model = "Escort", InsuranceGroup = 10, OwnerName = "Fred Normal" });

        // Attach the list of cars to the ListBox:
        lstCars.DataSource = allCars;
        lstCars.DisplayMember = "Model";

工具提示代码(包括创建名为 hoveredIndex 的类级别变量):

        // Class variable to keep track of which row is currently selected:
        int hoveredIndex = -1;

        private void lstCars_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            // See which row is currently under the mouse:
            int newHoveredIndex = lstCars.IndexFromPoint(e.Location);

            // If the row has changed since last moving the mouse:
            if (hoveredIndex != newHoveredIndex)
                // Change the variable for the next time we move the mouse:
                hoveredIndex = newHoveredIndex;

                // If over a row showing data (rather than blank space):
                if (hoveredIndex > -1)
                    //Set tooltip text for the row now under the mouse:
                    tt1.Active = false;
                    tt1.SetToolTip(lstCars, ((Car)lstCars.Items[hoveredIndex]).Info);
                    tt1.Active = true;
于 2011-07-27T17:14:04.147 回答


<ListBox Width="400" Margin="10" 
         ItemsSource="{Binding Source={StaticResource myTodoList}}">
            <TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=TaskName}" 
                       ToolTipService.ToolTip="{Binding Path=TaskName}"/>

当然,您可以将 ItemsSource 绑定替换为您的绑定源,并将绑定路径部分替换为您实际想要显示的列表中对象的任何公共属性。更多详细信息可在msdn上找到

于 2009-05-12T15:29:06.300 回答

您可以使用这个在 WinForms 中使用 ListBox 的 onMouseMove 事件的简单代码:

private void ListBoxOnMouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs mouseEventArgs)
        var listbox = sender as ListBox;
        if (listbox == null) return;

        // set tool tip for listbox
        var strTip = string.Empty;
        var index = listbox.IndexFromPoint(mouseEventArgs.Location);

        if ((index >= 0) && (index < listbox.Items.Count))
            strTip = listbox.Items[index].ToString();

        if (_toolTip.GetToolTip(listbox) != strTip)
            _toolTip.SetToolTip(listbox, strTip);

当然,您必须在构造函数或一些 init 函数中初始化 ToolTip 对象:

_toolTip = new ToolTip
            AutoPopDelay = 5000,
            InitialDelay = 1000,
            ReshowDelay = 500,
            ShowAlways = true


于 2017-12-19T11:58:17.377 回答

使用 title 属性,我们可以为列表框中的每个列表项设置工具提示。


ListItem li = new ListItem("text","key");
li.Attributes.Add("title","tool tip text");


于 2009-08-14T04:00:43.170 回答

这是一个使用 ListBox 创建一组 RadioButtons 的 Style。一切都注定要进行 MVVM-ing。MyClass 包含两个字符串属性:MyName 和 MyToolTip。这将显示 RadioButtons 列表,包括正确的 ToolTip-ing。该线程感兴趣的是靠近底部的 ToolTip 的 Setter,使其成为一个全 Xaml 解决方案。


ListBox Style="{StaticResource radioListBox}" ItemsSource="{Binding MyClass}" SelectedValue="{Binding SelectedMyClass}"/>


    <Style x:Key="radioListBox" TargetType="ListBox" BasedOn="{StaticResource {x:Type ListBox}}">
    <Setter Property="BorderThickness" Value="0" />
    <Setter Property="Margin" Value="5" />
    <Setter Property="Background" Value="{x:Null}" />
    <Setter Property="ItemContainerStyle">
            <Style TargetType="ListBoxItem" BasedOn="{StaticResource {x:Type ListBoxItem}}">
                <Setter Property="Template">
                        <ControlTemplate TargetType="ListBoxItem">
                            <Grid Background="Transparent">
                                <RadioButton Focusable="False" IsHitTestVisible="False" IsChecked="{TemplateBinding IsSelected}" Content="{Binding MyName}"/>
                <Setter Property="ToolTip" Value="{Binding MyToolTip}" />
于 2010-06-12T15:13:25.410 回答



function doTooltipProd(e,tipObj)

      if ( typeof Tooltip == "undefined" || !Tooltip.ready ) {
      mCounter = 1;
   for (m=1;m<=document.getElementById('lobProductId').length;m++) {

    var mCurrent = document.getElementById('lobProductId').options[m];
        if(mCurrent != null && mCurrent != "null") {
            if (mCurrent.selected) {
                mText = mCurrent.text;
                Tooltip.show(e, mText);
于 2014-11-12T07:06:04.107 回答