I'm trying to create a mixin that allows an ActiveRecord model to act as a delegate for another model. So, doing it the typical way:
class Apple < ActiveRecord::Base
def foo_species
"Red delicious"
class AppleWrapper < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :apple
# some meta delegation code here so that AppleWrapper
# has all the same interface as Apple
a = Apple.create
w = AppleWrapper.create
w.apple = a
# => 'Red delicious'
What I want is to abstract this behavior into a Mixin, so that given a bunch of data models, I can create "Wrapper" classes that are also ActiveRecords, but that each wrapper corresponds to a specific class. Why? Each of the data models have calculations, aggregations with other models, and I want the "Wrapper" classes to contain fields (in the schema) that correspond to these calculations...so in effect. the Wrapper acts as a cached version of the original data model, with the same interface.
I will have to write out each Wrapper...so for Apple, Orange, Pear, there is a different Wrapper model for each of them. However, I just want to abstract out the wrapper behavior...so that there's a class level method that sets what the Wrapper points to, a la:
module WrapperMixin
extend ActiveSupport::Concern
module ClassMethods
def set_wrapped_class(klass)
# this sets the relation to another data model and does the meta delegation
class AppleWrapper < ActiveRecord::Base
include WrapperMixin
set_wrapped_class Apple
class OrangeWrapper < ActiveRecord::Base
include WrapperMixin
set_wrapped_class Orange
How would I set this up? And would this have to be a STI type relation? That is, does the Wrapper class have to have a wrapped_record_id and a wrapped_record_type?