我正在开发一个 WordPress 插件,用户可以在其中构建路线图并将其显示在他们的网站上。在管理面板中,它显示地图上现有路线的预览,以及他们可以拖动到他们想要添加到地图的新位置的标记。


所以我想用 fitbounds 来修复它,这样它总是可以使可拖动标记和已经创建的路线适合屏幕。我的代码确实显示了地图上的所有位置,但是因为我在访问的位置之间绘制了折线,所以它也以某种方式在欧洲的可拖动标记上画了一条线,它不应该这样做,因为它不是路线的一部分。

你可以在这里看到一个例子-> http://jsfiddle.net/tijmen/HctvT/1/


/* Draw lines between the markers */
function drawFlightPlan( flightPlanCoordinates ) {  
    var flightPath = new google.maps.Polyline({
        path: flightPlanCoordinates,
        geodesic: true,
        strokeColor: "#ad1700",
        strokeOpacity: 1.0,
        strokeWeight: 2

    flightPath.setMap( map );

    fitBounds( flightPlanCoordinates );

/* Zoom the map so that all markers fit in the window */
function fitBounds( flightPlanCoordinates ) {
    var bounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds ();

    /* Include this latlng value in europe, but I dont want a line going to that latng... */        
    var defaultLatlng = new google.maps.LatLng('52.378153', '4.899363');
    flightPlanCoordinates.push( defaultLatlng );

    for ( var i = 0, flightPlanLen = flightPlanCoordinates.length; i < flightPlanLen; i++ ) {
      bounds.extend ( flightPlanCoordinates[i] );

   map.fitBounds( bounds );


I don't really understand why there is a line going to Europe in the first place. The flightPath.setMap( map ); is run inside the drawFlightPlan function. And it's not untill the fitBounds function is that I add the latlng value for Europe to the flightPlanCoordinates array.

I searched for a way to remove a partial polyline, but I can't find anything about it that works. I know how to remove all the markers or polylines, but not a single polyline part. Is that even possible?

Any ideas or suggestion how to fix this, or is this something that cannot be fixed the way I want to?


1 回答 1


initialize bounds with the LatLng in europe instead of pushing this LatLng into flightPlanCoordinates


When you use a reference to an array as path for a polyline any changes to the array will affect the polyline.

于 2013-10-08T18:27:12.783 回答