在使用 Rest API v2 时,似乎无法将 DocuSign 信封中的 Radio Group Tab 设为“可选”,也就是说,如果存在单选按钮,则无需选择单选按钮即可完成信封。另一方面,SignHereTab 有一个“可选”参数,可以设置为 true。这样就不需要签名来完成信封。有谁知道是否有办法使用 Radio Group Tabs 执行相同的功能?



好吧,我确实找到了为什么我的单选按钮可以被取消选择:这是因为我没有为单选按钮分配值。一旦我为每个单选按钮设置了 value 属性,现在就无法取消选择它。我仍然认为没有办法使单选组选项卡“可选”,但是将其中一个选项设置为默认选项可能不会让用户感到困惑。


1 回答 1


In DocuSign you have the ability to add grouped radio buttons as well as checkboxes, the difference between them is that with grouped radio buttons one and exactly one selection must be chosen, however with checkboxes any number of them (including 0) can be selected.

One possible workaround though is using Conditional Fields. With conditional fields you can hide/make visible certain tabs, based on the value of another envelope tab. For instance, you could set things up such that if the recipient checks a certain checkbox, then and only then does your radio group show up. Without it checked the recipient is not required to select a radio option and in fact they won't even see the radio buttons.

To use conditional fields you simply need to set these two properties on your radio group:


conditionalParentLabel: For conditional fields this is the TabLabel of the parent tab that controls this tab’s visibility.

conditionalParentValue: For conditional fields this is the Value of the parent tab that controls this tab’s visibility. If the parent tab is a Checkbox, Radio button, Optional Signature, or Optional Initial use “on” as the value to show that the parent tab is active.

For more information please see the DocuSign API Guides: http://www.docusign.com/developer-center/documentation

于 2013-10-08T20:17:53.367 回答