在页面上,我有额外的字段供用户添加额外的电话号码和电子邮件。例如,单个电话对象 {tag:work, value:555} 将被推入 person 对象内部的电话[] 数组中。然后我需要将新信息发送回服务器。
// Person
var person = {
username : profileData.username,
firstName : "",
lastName : "",
phones : [],
emails : [],
organization : "",
title : ""
// Original Profile
person.firstName = $('#profile-firstname').val();
person.lastName = $('#profile-lastname').val();
person.organization = $('#profile-company').val();
person.title = $('#profile-title').val();
// Added Profile
var phoneObjs = {};
var emailObjs = {};
var extraPhones = [];
var extraEmails = [];
var addedPhones = $('.added_phone');
var addedEmails = $('.added_email');
addedPhones.each( function(i) {
var tag = $(this).children("label").text();
var value = $(this).children("input").val();
phoneObjs = $(this).map(function(i,el) {
var $el = $(el);
return {
tag: tag,
def save_profile(self):
success_msgs = ['Saved! Worry not, nothing sent to the NSA... as far as we know', "Profile Saved, doesn't it feel great to be updated?"]
error_msgs = ['Internets are clogged up, our monkeys are checking it out', 'Hmm, everything look correct below?', "A BUG! Probably in our code, we're checking it out"]
json = self.request.json_body
first_name = str(json['firstName'])
last_name = str(json['lastName'])
organization = str(json['organization'])
title = str(json['title'])
phones = (json['phones'])
emails = (json['emails'])
self.profiles.update(firstName=first_name, lastName=last_name, organization=organization, title=title, emails=emails, phones=phones)
#print phones
value = {'result': 'success', 'message': random.choice(success_msgs)}
except Exception, err:
print err
value = {'result': 'error', 'message': random.choice(error_msgs)}
#returns a json response
return self.respond(value)
if tools.not_blank(phones):
lst = phones
cnt = len(lst)
current = profile.phones
for x in xrange(cnt):
o = lst[x]
#key = o.get("key", o.get("guid", None))
lbl = o["label"]
tag = o.get("tag", None)
c = [c for c in current if c.label == lbl]
c = c[0] if len(c) > 0 else None
if c:
m, k = self.codex.decode_composite(c.id)
if tools.not_blank(tag):
tag = tag.lower().title()
if c.tag != tag:
c.tag = tag
self.get_query("UPDATE member_phone SET Type = @tag WHERE ID = @id;", {"tag": tag, "id": k}).update()
#create a new email address for this member
self.members.register_phone_number(member=member, telephone=lbl, tag=tag)
if tools.is_blank(remove):
return profile
IDE 将在此处抛出“列表索引必须是整数,而不是 str”错误
self.profiles.update(firstName=first_name, lastName=last_name, organization=organization, title=title, emails=emails, phones=phones)