我正在 Android 上创建一个相当常见的 AppWidget 用例。

  • AppWidgetProvider 调用onAppWidgetOptionsChanged()(可拉伸小部件)和onUpdate()(定时)
  • 从这些方法我开始一个IntentService. 来自选项的案例已更改,我在 Intent 中传递了新大小。
  • 该服务联系 Web 服务,构建 RemoteViews 并调用updateAppWidget()

我的主要测试设备是 Nexus 7 (2012) running stock 4.3 (stock Launcher)

该小部件不使用 RemoteViewFactory,也不使用 AlarmManager。它是在 XML 中定义的具有恒定时间的静态视图。


我相信这与更新频率有关,因为我在 IntentService 中欺骗了一些东西,以便在调整大小时只调用最后一个意图(当用户停止弄乱小部件时)并且它缓和了一些问题。


public class AlbumWidgetService extends WidgetUpdateIntentService {

   protected void onHandleIntent(Intent intent) {
       // get's widgetID or array of IDs and pass to 'doTheJob'

   private void doTheJob(int appWidgetId, int heightInDp, int widthInDp) {

      // ...
      // here goes code with pre calculations and get data
      // ...

      // create Intent and PendingIntent with some extras
      Intent intent = ... etc
      PendingIntent pi = PendingIntent.getActivity( ... etc

      // get url for some images    
      List<String> imageFilenames = getImagesFilename(albumId, totalImages);

      // Create the remote view
      RemoteViews views = new RemoteViews(getPackageName(), R.layout.album_widget);

      // ...
      // here goes a bunch of code that load bitmaps from the URLs
      // set text and colors in the remote view
      // put ImageViews into the remote view, etc
      // ...

      try {
         AppWidgetManager appWidgetManager = AppWidgetManager.getInstance(this);
         appWidgetManager.updateAppWidget(appWidgetId, views);
         Log.d(this, "Updating the widget id " + appWidgetId);
      } catch (Exception e) {
         // this exception happens if the RemoteView is too big, have too many bitmaps.
         // I'm already minizing this to happen with the pre calculations, but better safe than sorry
         Log.e(this, "Failed to update the widget id " + appWidgetId, e);




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