I have a PHP socket server which I need to do some performance meassurements on to see how many connections it can handle. For this I thought of using NCat but I don't have any preference for using it so please suggest others if they are any better suited for my need. I both have a Windows and Linux/CentOS client so a bash shell script would also be fine.

What I want to archieve is to connect to my socket server at port tcp:10000. This will initate a new fork on my server where it will process all data within this connection. Then the client should send X lines of text but each line much be followed by a couple of seconds of sleep before sending the next line. I want then to startup Y instances of this approach and somewhere I should reach the limit for when my server cannot handle anymore connections.

One line of text I want to send could for example be:


My problem is that I can't figure out how to do this with NCat!? My knowledge with NCat stops after being able to do this:

echo FooBar | ncat 10000

.. and this is only one line in its own connection.


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您绝对应该尝试 JMeter。JMeter 具有对 TCP 的固有支持。你需要 40 分钟才能掌握它.. http://jmeter.apache.org/

于 2013-10-08T14:29:11.520 回答