main category/sub
main category/sub/sub
它始终是名称,而不是 url 或东西。是否可以通过此路径获取类别 ID?
搜索路径,返回类别 id:
Mage::getModel('your_module/category_finder')->getIdFromPath('main category/sub/sub');
请参阅要点: https ://gist.github.com/jzahedieh/6884204 或:
* Functionality taken from Mage_ImportExport_Model_Import_Entity_Product
class Your_Module_Model_Category_Finder
* Categories text-path to ID hash.
* @var array
protected $_categories = array();
* Categories text-path to ID hash with roots checking.
* @var array
protected $_categoriesWithRoots = array();
* Populates the models properties with category information.
public function __construct()
* Finds a subcategory id from a path string
* @param $string
* @return bool
public function getIdFromPath($string)
if (in_array($string, array_keys($this->_categories))) {
return $this->_categories[$string];
return false;
* Returns all valid path strings
* @return array
public function getAllPaths()
return array_keys($this->_categories);
* Initialize categories text-path to ID hash.
* @return Mage_ImportExport_Model_Import_Entity_Product
protected function _initCategories()
$collection = Mage::getResourceModel('catalog/category_collection')->addNameToResult();
/* @var $collection Mage_Catalog_Model_Resource_Eav_Mysql4_Category_Collection */
foreach ($collection as $category) {
$structure = explode('/', $category->getPath());
$pathSize = count($structure);
if ($pathSize > 1) {
$path = array();
for ($i = 1; $i < $pathSize; $i++) {
$path[] = $collection->getItemById($structure[$i])->getName();
$rootCategoryName = array_shift($path);
if (!isset($this->_categoriesWithRoots[$rootCategoryName])) {
$this->_categoriesWithRoots[$rootCategoryName] = array();
$index = implode('/', $path);
$this->_categoriesWithRoots[$rootCategoryName][$index] = $category->getId();
if ($pathSize > 2) {
$this->_categories[$index] = $category->getId();
return $this;
// load all category paths
$all_category_paths = array();
$categories = Mage::getResourceModel('catalog/category_collection')->addAttributeToSelect('name')->getItems();
foreach( $categories as $_category){
$path = array_slice(explode('/', $_category->getPath()),2);//remove array_slice if you want to include root category in path
foreach($path as $_k => $_v){
$path[$_k]=str_replace('/','\/', $categories[$_v]->getName());
$all_category_paths[$_category->getId()]= strtolower(join('/',$path));