请提供将 .groovy-script 转换为适用于 windows 平台或 .jar 的可执行文件 .exe 的最简单方法,以便在多个平台上使用。
This project is a simple card game, written in Groovy. It is uses a Gradle script to build a zip file that can be executed like so:
unzip warO.zip
java -jar warO.jar
See this segment of the build.gradle file to see how the manifest is specified for the jar (i.e. the classpath, main class entry point, etc):
jar.archiveName 'warO.jar'
jar.manifest {
attributes 'Main-Class' : 'net.codetojoy.waro.Main'
attributes 'Class-Path' : 'jars/groovy-all-1.6.4.jar jars/guava-collections-r03.jar jars/guava-base-r03.jar'
For an exe, consider a tool such as JWrapper.