In template /mezzanine/mezzanine/core/templates/admin/base_site.html, error at line 37
Template error:
In template /home/nyros/hs/git_br/mezzanine/mezzanine/core/templates/admin/base_site.html, error at line 37
Reverse for 'admin_keywords_submit' with arguments '()' and keyword arguments '{}' not found.
27 : {% if hide_slug_field %}.slug {display:none !important;}{% endif %}
28 : {% if singleton %}.change-view-save-another {display:none !important;}{% endif %}
29 : </style>
30 : <script>
31 : {% url "static_proxy" as static_proxy_url %}
32 : {% url "fb_browse" as fb_browse_url %}
33 : {% url "admin:index" as admin_index_url %}
34 : {% get_current_language as LANGUAGE_CODE %}
35 : window.__home_link = '<a href="{% url "home" %}">{% trans "View site" %}</a>';
36 : window.__csrf_token = '{{ csrf_token }}';
37 : window.__admin_keywords_submit_url = ' {% url "admin_keywords_submit" %} ';
38 : window.__filebrowser_url = '{{ fb_browse_url }}';
39 : window.__admin_url = '{{ admin_index_url }}';
40 : window.__static_proxy = '{{ static_proxy_url }}';
41 : window.__admin_media_prefix__ = '{% static "admin/" %}';
42 : window.__grappelli_installed = {{ settings.GRAPPELLI_INSTALLED|lower }};
43 : window.__language_code = '{{ LANGUAGE_CODE }}';
44 : </script>
45 : {% if not settings.GRAPPELLI_INSTALLED %}
46 : <script src="{% static "mezzanine/js/"|add:settings.JQUERY_FILENAME %}"></script>
47 : {% endif %}
我正在使用 django-1.4.5。