您好,我正在 Eclipse IDE 中使用 C++ 实现一个非常基本的随机猜谜游戏。
一切正常,除了检查用户输入是否从 0 到 9 的一个条件,如果不是,则应显示消息。
#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
using namespace std;
int main(){
puts ("\n\n\t\t***** Welcome to the guessing game *****");
puts ("\n\t You've eight tries to guess a randomly generated number");
puts ("\n\t\t\tNumber is within 1 to 9");
puts ("\n\t -------------------------------------------------------");
puts ("\n\t -------------------------------------------------------");
int j;
char l;
srand (time(NULL)); // required to keep updating randomly generated number with time
int i = rand() % 10; // generate random number from 0 to (10 - 1)
for (int k = 0; k < 8; k++){ // for the eight tries provided to user
cout << "\n\r\t guess any number : ";
cin >> j; // input by the user
if(isdigit(j) == false){ // check whether the input no. is indeed a no. or not?
cout << "\n\r\t Please Enter Numbers between 0 and 9 only" << endl;
goto again; // if no then goto again:
else if (j == i){
cout << "\n\r\t congratulation, You win \a";
puts ("\n\t -------------------------------------------------------");
cout << "\n\t Press any key to start the game again or 0 to Exit";
cin >> l;
if(l != '0') goto reverse; // start the game again from reverse:
goto target;
else if (k == 7){
cout << "\n\r\t Sorry you lose! \a";
puts ("\n\t -------------------------------------------------------");
cout << "\n\t Press any key to start the game again or 0 to Exit";
cin >> l;
if(l != '0') goto reverse; // start the game again from reverse:
goto target;
else { // evaluate remaining chances and start over
cout << endl << "\r\t incorrect! " << 7-k << " chances remaining" << endl;
puts ("\n\t -------------------------------------------------------");
cout << "\n\n\n\r\t\t\t * GAME OVER * \a"; // console will get close
// while(1); // console will remain open
return 0;
我已经检查了这些: C 数字猜谜游戏与 isdigit() 验证 随机猜谜游戏 - 错误 http://www.cplusplus.com/reference/cctype/isdigit/