我有一个脚本,我正在设置将用户的 Exchange 邮箱迁移到 .pst 文件中。我的想法是我会有一个 CSV 文件,我可以将用户名放在上面,然后当脚本每晚启动时,它会打开 CSV 文件并找到已添加的用户,对这些用户帐户执行请求的操作(导出,移动设置权限等),然后写回 CSV 文件将这些用户标记为已完成并写下他们完成的日期。这是我到目前为止所拥有的。

$InPstPath = '\\server1\PST_Store\'
$OutPstPath = '\\server2\PST_Store\'
$User = Get-Content $OutPstPath'login.txt'
$PWord = cat $OutPstPath'pass.txt' | convertto-securestring
$Credentials = New-Object –TypeName System.Management.Automation.PSCredential –ArgumentList $User, $PWord
$PSSession = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri http://Server1/powershell -Credential $Credentials
Import-PSSession $PSSession
$In_List = Invoke-Command {Import-Csv "\\Server1\PST_Store\Admin\To_Be_Exported.csv"} -computername Server1 -Credential $Credentials
foreach ($objUser in $In_List) {
    if ($objUser.Completed -ne "Yes") {
        $TargetUser = $objUser.name
        $ShortDate = (Get-Date).toshortdatestring()
        New-MailboxExportRequest -Mailbox $TargetUser -Filepath "$InPstPath$TargetUser.pst"
        $objUser.Completed = "Yes"
        $objUser.Date = $ShortDate
Remove-PSSession -Session (Get-PSSession)

我想不出一种体面的方法将 $objUser.Completed 和 $objUser.Date 值写回 CSV。


1 回答 1


首先,这很明显,但无论如何让我声明一下。第一次运行此脚本时,$objUser.name、$objUser.Completed 和 $objUser.Date 将不存在;所以,线


将不起作用,除非您实际上在该 csv 中具有适当的结构(即具有标题名称、已完成、日期)。


$Processed = foreach ($objUser in $In_List) {
    if ($objUser.Completed -ne "Yes") {
        $TargetUser = $objUser.name
        $ShortDate = (Get-Date).toshortdatestring()
        New-MailboxExportRequest -Mailbox $TargetUser -Filepath "$InPstPath$TargetUser.pst"

    } else {
## export to a temp file
$Processed | export-csv -Path $env:TEMP\processed.csv
## You should probably check to see if original file was modified since you started working on it
# and copy over if not
Copy-Item $env:TEMP\processed.csv $OutPstPath'login.txt' -force
于 2013-10-07T23:50:43.247 回答