
它适用于一组输入和输出,但在一个训练集之外,网络收敛于一个解决方案,而另一个输出收敛于 0.5。

即一次试验的输出是: [0.9969527919933012, 0.003043774988797313]

[0.5000438200377985, 0.49995612243030635]


private ArrayList<ArrayList<ArrayList<Double>>> weights;
private ArrayList<ArrayList<Double>> nodes;

private final double LEARNING_RATE = -0.25;
private final double DEFAULT_NODE_VALUE = 0.0;

private double momentum = 1.0;

public Network() {
    weights = new ArrayList<ArrayList<ArrayList<Double>>>();
    nodes = new ArrayList<ArrayList<Double>>();

 * This method is used to add a layer with {@link n} nodes to the network.
 * @param n number of nodes for the layer
public void addLayer(int n) {
    nodes.add(new ArrayList<Double>());
    for (int i = 0;i < n;i++)

 * This method generates the weights used to link layers together.
public void createWeights() {
    // there are only weights between layers, so we have one less weight layer than node layer
    for (int i = 0;i < nodes.size()-1;i++) {
        weights.add(new ArrayList<ArrayList<Double>>());

        // for each node above the weight
        for (int j = 0;j < nodes.get(i).size();j++) {
            weights.get(i).add(new ArrayList<Double>());

            // for each node below the weight
            for (int k = 0;k < nodes.get(i+1).size();k++)

 * Utilizes the differentiated sigmoid function to change weights in the network
 * @param out   The desired output pattern for the network
private void propogateBackward(double[] out) {
     * Error calculation using squared error formula and the sigmoid derivative
     * Output Node : dk = Ok(1-Ok)(Ok-Tk)
     * Hidden Node : dj = Oj(1-Oj)SummationkEK(dkWjk)
     * k is an output node
     * j is a hidden node
     * dw = LEARNING_RATE*d*outputOfpreviousLayer(not weighted)
     * W = dW + W

    // update the last layer of weights first because it is a special case

    double dkW = 0;

    for (int i = 0;i < nodes.get(nodes.size()-1).size();i++) {

        double outputK = nodes.get(nodes.size()-1).get(i);
        double deltaK = outputK*(1-outputK)*(outputK-out[i]);

        for (int j = 0;j < nodes.get(nodes.size()-2).size();j++) {
            weights.get(1).get(j).set(i, weights.get(1).get(j).get(i) + LEARNING_RATE*deltaK*nodes.get(nodes.size()-2).get(j) );
            dkW += deltaK*weights.get(1).get(j).get(i);

    for (int i = 0;i < nodes.get(nodes.size()-2).size();i++) {

        //Hidden Node : dj = Oj(1-Oj)SummationkEK(dkWjk)
        double outputJ = nodes.get(1).get(i);
        double deltaJ = outputJ*(1-outputJ)*dkW*LEARNING_RATE;

        for (int j = 0;j < nodes.get(0).size();j++) {
            weights.get(0).get(j).set(i, weights.get(0).get(j).get(i) + deltaJ*nodes.get(0).get(j) );



 * Propogates an array of input values through the network
 * @param in    an array of inputs
private void propogateForward(double[] in) {
    // pass the weights to the input layer
    for (int i = 0;i < in.length;i++)
        nodes.get(0).set(i, in[i]);

    // propagate through the rest of the network
    // for each layer after the first layer
    for (int i = 1;i < nodes.size();i++)

        // for each node in the layer
        for (int j = 0;j < nodes.get(i).size();j++) {

            // for each node in the previous layer
            for (int k = 0;k < nodes.get(i-1).size();k++)

                // add to the node the weighted output from k to j
                nodes.get(i).set(j, nodes.get(i).get(j)+weightedNode(i-1, k, j));

            // once the node has received all of its inputs we can apply the activation function
            nodes.get(i).set(j, activation(nodes.get(i).get(j)));


 * This method returns the activation value of an input
 * @param   in the total input of a node
 * @return  the sigmoid function at the input
private double activation(double in) {
    return 1/(1+Math.pow(Math.E,-in));

 * Weighted output for a node.
 * @param layer the layer which the transmitting node is on
 * @param node  the index of the transmitting node
 * @param previousNode  the index of the receiving node
 * @return  the output of the transmitting node times the weight between the two nodes
private double weightedNode(int layer, int node, int nextNode) {
    return nodes.get(layer).get(node)*weights.get(layer).get(node).get(nextNode);

 * This method resets all of the nodes to their default value
private void resetNodes() {
    for (int i = 0;i < nodes.size();i++)
        for (int j = 0;j < nodes.get(i).size();j++)
            nodes.get(i).set(j, DEFAULT_NODE_VALUE);

 * Teach the network correct responses for certain input values.
 * @param in    an array of input values
 * @param out   an array of desired output values
 * @param n     number of iterations to perform
public void train(double[] in, double[] out, int n) {
    for (int i = 0;i < n;i++) {

public void getResult(double[] in) {


public SnapSolve() {

    Network net = new Network();

    double[] l = {0, 1};
    double[] p = {1, 0};

    double[] n = {1, 0};
    double[] r = {0, 1};

    for(int i = 0;i < 100000;i++) {
        net.train(l, p, 1);
        net.train(n, r, 1);



public static void main(String[] args) {
    new SnapSolve();

1 回答 1



  • The initial weights you're using in your network are pretty large. Typically you want to initialize weights in a sigmoid-activation neural network proportionally to the inverse of the square root of the fan-in of the unit. So, for units in layer i of the network, choose initial weights between positive and negative n^{-1/2}, where n is the number of units in layer i-1. (See http://www.willamette.edu/~gorr/classes/cs449/precond.html for more information.)

  • The learning rate parameter that you seem to be using is also fairly large, which can cause your network to "bounce around" during training. I'd experiment with different values for this, on a log scale: 0.2, 0.1, 0.05, 0.02, 0.01, 0.005, ... until you find one that appears to work better.

  • You're really only training on two examples (though the network you're using should be able to model these two points easily). You can increase the diversity of your training dataset by adding noise to the existing inputs and expecting the network to produce the correct output. I've found that this helps sometimes when using a squared-error loss (like you're using) and trying to learn a binary boolean operator like XOR, since there are very few input-output pairs in the true function domain to train with.


Also, I'd like to make a general suggestion that might help in your approach to problems like this: add a little bit of code that will allow you to monitor the current error of the network when given a known input-output pair (or entire "validation" dataset).

If you can monitor the error of the network during training, it will help you see more clearly when the network is converging -- the error should decrease steadily as you train the network. If it bounces all around, you'll know that you're either using too large a learning rate or need to otherwise adapt your training dataset. If the error increases, something is wrong with your gradient computations.

于 2013-10-08T03:55:21.343 回答