Private Sub login_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnlogin.Click
' If txtLogin.Text = "1" And txtPassBox.Text = "1" Then
' Form2.Show()
' Me.Hide()
' Else : MsgBox("Sorry, That combination is not recognised.", MsgBoxStyle.Critical, "Invalid Data Supplied")
' End If
Dim user As String
Dim password As String
user = txtLogin.Text
password = txtPassBox.Text
If Me.UserTableAdapter.ScalarQueryLogin(user, password) Then
MessageBox.Show("You have logged in")
MessageBox.Show("You have supplied the wrong combo")
End If
End Sub
SELECT [User], [Password]
FROM [User]
WHERE ([User] = ?) AND ([Password] = ?)