我在我的编程课上遇到了一个挑战,我们必须使用一个 void 函数来计算可能的硬币组合,给定的变化值从 1 到 99 美分。
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void computeCoins(int coinValue, int& num, int& amount_left);
int main()
//Define varibles then get user input for change
int leftOver, quarters=0, dimes=0, nickels=0, pennies=0, coins=0, originalAmount;
cout << "Enter change amount: ";
cin >> originalAmount;
leftOver = originalAmount;
} while ((leftOver > 99) || (leftOver < 1)); //Larger than 99 or smaller than 1? If yes, then try again.
computeCoins(25, coins, leftOver);
quarters = coins;
computeCoins(10, coins, leftOver);
dimes = coins;
computeCoins(5, coins, leftOver);
nickels = coins;
pennies = leftOver;
cout << originalAmount << " cent/s could be given as " << quarters << " quarter/s, " << dimes << " dime/s, " << nickels << " nickel/s, " << " and " << pennies << " pennies.";
cout << endl;
return 0;
void computeCoins(int coinValue, int& num, int& amount_left)
//Using the specified coin value, find how many can go into it then subtract it
while (amount_left % coinValue == 0)
// Still dividable by the coin value
num += 1;
amount_left -= coinValue;