I'm trying to create a match statement using macros, that matches all subclasses of a given type. But I have trouble with extracting the field values of the case classes. For example:

sealed abstract class Foobar
case class Foo(x:Int,f:Foobar) extends Foobar
case class Bar(s:String, f:Foobar) extends Foobar

Now I want to create code that looks like this, when Foobar is given:

 e1 match {
   case Foo(args) => args.toString
   case Bar(args) => args.toString

Thats what I got so far:

  def eqImpl[A: c.WeakTypeTag](c: Context)(e1: c.Expr[A], e2: c.Expr[A]): c.Expr[Boolean] = {
    import c.universe._

    val tpe = c.weakTypeOf[A].typeSymbol.asClass
    tpe.typeSignature // SI-7046
    val subclasses = tpe.knownDirectSubclasses

    val cases = 
      subclasses.map{ clazz =>
      cq"x: $clazz => x " 

This code would match Foo and Bar, but I can not extract the fields, which I need on the right hand side.


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def eqImpl[A: c.WeakTypeTag](c: Context)(e1: c.Expr[A], e2: c.Expr[A]): c.Expr[Boolean] = {
    import c.universe._
    val tpe = c.weakTypeOf[A].typeSymbol.asClass
    tpe.typeSignature // SI-7046 workaround 

    val subclasses = tpe.knownDirectSubclasses

    val cases = 
      subclasses.map{ case clazz : ClassSymbol =>
        require (clazz.isCaseClass)
        val name = clazz.companionSymbol.name
        val fields = clazz.typeSignature.declarations.collect {
        case m: MethodSymbol if m.isCaseAccessor => m.name}
        //pattern for the fields of the left and right side side
        val lFields = fields.map{ m => pq"""${m+"L":TermName}"""} 
        val rFields = fields.map{ m => pq"""${m+"R":TermName}"""} side
        //right hand side of the case statment 
        val eqFields = 
          fields.map{ m => q"""${m+"R":TermName} == ${m+"L":TermName}"""}.reduce[Tree]{ 
            case (acc,n) => q"$acc && $n"}

        cq"($name(..$lFields),$name(..$rFields)) => $eqFields  " 
    val matchStmt = q"""Tuple2[$tpe,$tpe]($e1,$e2) match {
          case ..$cases
          case _ => false }"""

此代码创建一个匹配元组的匹配语句。如果元组的两边都是同一案例类的实例,则比较字段。如果所有字段都相等,则返回 True。我知道这不是一个特别现实的例子,但我希望它有所帮助。对于问题中的示例,这将产生:

Tuple2[Foobar,Foobar](e1,e2) match {
     case (Foo(xL,fL),Foo(xR,fR) => xL == xR && fL == fR
     case (Bar(sL,fL),Bar(sR,fR) => sL == sR && fL == fR
     case _                      => false
于 2013-10-10T11:35:27.190 回答