$(function () {
xAxis: {
categories: [
'1995', '1996', '1997', '1988'
yAxis: {
title: {
text: 'Citations'
plotLines: [{
value: 0,
width: 1,
color: '#808080'
tooltip: {
valueSuffix: ''
legend: {
layout: 'vertical',
align: 'right',
verticalAlign: 'middle',
borderWidth: 0
series: [{
name: 'A + U-Architecture and Urbanism',
data: [<?php
$test_q = mysql_query("SELECT jour_id, journal, citations, year FROM journ_graph WHERE jour_id = '1'");
while($row_q = mysql_fetch_array($test_q)){
$year_q = $row_q['year'];
$citations_q = $row_q['citations'];
echo $citations_q.',';
name: 'AACE International. Transactions of the Annual Meeting',
data: [
$test_q = mysql_query("SELECT jour_id, journal, citations, year FROM journ_graph WHERE jour_id = '2'");
while($row_q = mysql_fetch_array($test_q)){
$year_q = $row_q['year'];
$citations_q = $row_q['citations'];
echo $citations_q.',';
name: 'AACL Bioflux',
data: [
$test_q = mysql_query("SELECT jour_id, journal, citations, year FROM journ_graph WHERE jour_id = '3'");
while($row_q = mysql_fetch_array($test_q)){
$year_q = $row_q['year'];
$citations_q = $row_q['citations'];
echo $citations_q.',';
我在这里手动输入ID。在 where 子句(参考代码)中,图表正在显示。往下看:
SELECT jour_id, journal, citations, year FROM journ_graph WHERE jour_id = '3' 在上面的语句中,我手动输入了 id,但我需要它来自第一个表 jour_id。
series: [
$query_jour = mysql_query("SELECT jour_id, journal, citations, year FROM journ_graph");
$query_journ_count = mysql_num_rows($query_jour);
while($row_journ = mysql_fetch_array($query_jour)){
$jour_id = $row_journ['jour_id'];
data: [<?php
$test_q = mysql_query("SELECT jour_id, journal, citations, year FROM journ_graph WHERE jour_id = '$jour_id'");
while($row_q = mysql_fetch_array($test_q)){
$year_q = $row_q['year'];
$citations_q = $row_q['citations'];
echo $citations_q.',';
我使用了两个 while 循环,但即使它不起作用。请告诉我哪里出错了。请帮忙。