I am using editrules custom_func for preventing user to enter same record in jQgrid. I have define custom_func on column whose colMOdel defination are as follows :
{ name: 'BO', index: 'BO', width: 40, editable: true, edittype: 'select', /*formatter: 'select',*/
editrules: { custom: true,
custom_func: function (value, colName) {
return CustomFunction.call(this, value, colName, oGrid);
I am populating select column of jQgrid as ID(UID) : Name(Text) Its Code perfectly doing his work and showing error message, but problem is error message showing UID value such as
b66a2719-b88a-427e-8904-816fe8e60fde You are creating duplicate record .
Please give another role for selected BO type.
and I don't want this ID value in its error message. How should I remove this value???? any suggestions???