
假设我在地图上有 5 个标记,班加罗尔(纬度:12.971599,经度:77.594563),德里(纬度:28.635308,经度:77.224960),孟买(纬度:19.075984,经度:72.877656),钦奈(纬度 414,经度:13.052) 80.250825),加尔各答(纬度:22.572646,经度:88.363895)。





9 回答 9


从您的评论中,我看到您预计最多有 70-80 个地点。这并不多。



    List<Marker> markers = createMarkers(); // returns an ArrayList<Markers> from your data source
    int minIndex = -1;
    double minDist = 1E38; // initialize with a huge value that will be overwritten
    int size = markers.size();
    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        Marker marker = markers.get(i);
        double curDistance = calcDistance(curLatitude, curLongitude, marker.latitude, marker.longitude);
      if (curDistance < minDist) {
         minDist = curDistance;  // update neares
         minIndex = i;           // store index of nearest marker in minIndex

    if (minIndex >= 0) {
       // now nearest maker found:
       Marker nearestMarker = markers.get(minIndex);
       // TODO do something with nearesr marker
    } else {
      // list of markers was empty

对于 70-80 个标记,无需使其更快和更复杂。如果您有数千个点,那么值得投资于更快的解决方案(使用空间索引和避免 sqrt 计算的自己的距离计算)。


于 2013-10-09T18:49:26.460 回答


List<Marker> markers;
LatLng currentPosition;

float minDistance = Float.MAX_VALUE;
Marker closest = null;
float[] currentDistance = new float[1];
for (Marker marker : markers) {
    LatLng markerPosition = marker.getPosition();
    Location.distanceBetween(currentPosition.latitude, currentPosition.longitude, markerPosition.latitude, markerPosition.longitude, currentDistance);
    if (minDistance > currentDistance[0]) {
        minDistance = currentDistance[0];
        closest = marker;
于 2013-10-07T06:15:08.410 回答

If you want to find the shortest one not list the closest and you want the process to scale to a large amount of locations, you can do some filtering before you calculate distances and you can simplify the formula to speed it up as you don't care about actual distances (i.e. remove the multiplication by the radius of the earth).

Filtering algorithm, looping through each location :

  1. Calculate the difference in lat and long.
  2. If both differences are larger then a previously processed pair, discard it.
  3. Calculate distance, keep smallest.

You can further help the algorithm by feeding it with what might be close locations first. For example if you know one of the points is in the same country or state.

Here is some Python code to do that, use it as pseudocode for your solution :

locations = { 
    'Bangalore' : (12.971599, 77.594563), 
    'Delhi' : (28.635308,  77.224960), 
    'Mumbai' : (19.075984,  72.877656), 
    'Chennai' : (13.052414,  80.250825), 
    'Kolkata' : (22.572646,  88.363895)

from math import sin, cos, atan2, sqrt

EARTH_RADIUS = 6373  # km

def distance(a, b):  # pass tuples
    (lat1, lon1) = a
    (lat2, lon2) = b
    dlon = lon2 - lon1 
    dlat = lat2 - lat1 
    a = (sin(dlat/2))**2 + cos(lat1) * cos(lat2) * (sin(dlon/2))**2 
    c = 2 * atan2( sqrt(a), sqrt(1-a) ) 
    return EARTH_RADIUS * c

current = (17.385044, 78.486671)  # current lat & lng

closest = None
closest_name = None
for name, cordinates in locations.iteritems():
    d = distance(current, cordinates)
    if closest is None or d < closest:
        closest = d
        closest_name = name
    print "~%dkm (%s)" % (distance(current, cordinates), name)

print "\nClosest location is %s, %d km away." % (closest_name, closest)

Output :

~5700km (Kolkata)
~13219km (Chennai)
~12159km (Bangalore)
~7928km (Delhi)
~10921km (Mumbai)

Closest location is Kolkata, 5700 km away.
于 2013-10-07T06:34:36.003 回答

虽然已经发布了一些答案,但我想我会在 java 中展示我的实现。这已与包装在 AsyncTask 中的 4000 多个标记一起使用,并且一直在正常工作。

首先,计算距离的逻辑(假设您只有标记而不是 Location 对象,因为它们提供了执行 loc1.distanceTo(loc2) 的可能性):

private float distBetween(LatLng pos1, LatLng pos2) {
    return distBetween(pos1.latitude, pos1.longitude, pos2.latitude,

/** distance in meters **/
private float distBetween(double lat1, double lng1, double lat2, double lng2) {
    double earthRadius = 3958.75;
    double dLat = Math.toRadians(lat2 - lat1);
    double dLng = Math.toRadians(lng2 - lng1);
    double a = Math.sin(dLat / 2) * Math.sin(dLat / 2)
            + Math.cos(Math.toRadians(lat1))
            * Math.cos(Math.toRadians(lat2)) * Math.sin(dLng / 2)
            * Math.sin(dLng / 2);
    double c = 2 * Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(a), Math.sqrt(1 - a));
    double dist = earthRadius * c;

    int meterConversion = 1609;

    return (float) (dist * meterConversion);


private Marker getNearestMarker(List<Marker> markers,
        LatLng origin) {

    Marker nearestMarker = null;
    double lowestDistance = Double.MAX_VALUE;

    if (markers != null) {

        for (Marker marker : markers) {

            double dist = distBetween(origin, marker.getPosition());

            if (dist < lowestDistance) {
                nearestMarker = marker;
                lowestDistance = dist;

    return nearestMarker;


private List<Marker> getSurroundingMarkers(List<Marker> markers,
        LatLng origin, int maxDistanceMeters) {
    List<Marker> surroundingMarkers = null;

    if (markers != null) {
        surroundingMarkers = new ArrayList<Marker>();
        for (Marker marker : markers) {

            double dist = distBetween(origin, marker.getPosition());

            if (dist < maxDistanceMeters) {

    return surroundingMarkers;


于 2013-10-10T13:21:06.617 回答

这是我所谓的 KDTree 的实现,它由 3 个类组成:KDTree、KDTNode 和 KDTResult。您最终需要的是使用 KDTree.createTree() 创建 KDTree,它返回树的 rootNode 并获取传入的所有固定点。然后使用 KDTree.findNearestWp() 找到离给定位置最近的 Waypoint。


public class KDTree {

private Comparator<LatLng> latComparator = new LatLonComparator(true);
private Comparator<LatLng> lonComparator = new LatLonComparator(false);;

 * Create a KDTree from a list of Destinations. Returns the root-node of the
 * tree.
public KDTNode createTree(List<LatLng> recList) {
    return createTreeRecursive(0, recList);

 * Traverse the tree and find the nearest WP.
 * @param root
 * @param wp
 * @return
static public LatLng findNearestWp(KDTNode root, LatLng wp) {
    KDTResult result = new KDTResult();
    findNearestWpRecursive(root, wp, result);
    return result.nearestDest;

private static void findNearestWpRecursive(KDTNode node, LatLng wp,
        KDTResult result) {
    double lat = wp.latitude;
    double lon = wp.longitude;
    /* If a leaf node, calculate distance and return. */
    if (node.isLeaf) {
        LatLng dest = node.wp;
        double latDiff = dest.latitude - lat;
        double lonDiff = dest.longitude - lon;
        double squareDist = latDiff * latDiff + lonDiff * lonDiff;
        // Replace a previously found nearestDest only if the new one is
        // nearer.
        if (result.nearestDest == null
                || result.squareDistance > squareDist) {
            result.nearestDest = dest;
            result.squareDistance = squareDist;
    boolean devidedByLat = node.depth % 2 == 0;
    boolean goLeft;
    /* Check whether left or right is more promising. */
    if (devidedByLat) {
        goLeft = lat < node.splitValue;
    } else {
        goLeft = lon < node.splitValue;
    KDTNode child = goLeft ? node.left : node.right;
    findNearestWpRecursive(child, wp, result);
     * Check whether result needs to be checked also against the less
     * promising side.
    if (result.squareDistance > node.minSquareDistance) {
        KDTNode otherChild = goLeft ? node.right : node.left;
        findNearestWpRecursive(otherChild, wp, result);


private KDTNode createTreeRecursive(int depth, List<LatLng> recList) {
    KDTNode node = new KDTNode();
    node.depth = depth;
    if (recList.size() == 1) {
        // Leafnode found
        node.isLeaf = true;
        node.wp = recList.get(0);
        return node;
    boolean divideByLat = node.depth % 2 == 0;
    sortRecListByDimension(recList, divideByLat);
    List<LatLng> leftList = getHalfOf(recList, true);
    List<LatLng> rightList = getHalfOf(recList, false);
    // Get split point and distance to last left and first right point.
    LatLng lastLeft = leftList.get(leftList.size() - 1);
    LatLng firstRight = rightList.get(0);
    double minDistanceToSplitValue;
    double splitValue;
    if (divideByLat) {
        minDistanceToSplitValue = (firstRight.latitude - lastLeft.latitude) / 2;
        splitValue = lastLeft.latitude + Math.abs(minDistanceToSplitValue);
    } else {
        minDistanceToSplitValue = (firstRight.longitude - lastLeft.longitude) / 2;
        splitValue = lastLeft.longitude + Math.abs(minDistanceToSplitValue);
    node.splitValue = splitValue;
    node.minSquareDistance = minDistanceToSplitValue
            * minDistanceToSplitValue;
    /** Call next level */
    node.left = createTreeRecursive(depth, leftList);
    node.right = createTreeRecursive(depth, rightList);
    return node;

 * Return a sublist representing the left or right half of a List. Size of
 * recList must be at least 2 !
 * IMPORTANT !!!!! Note: The original list must not be modified after
 * extracting this sublist, as the returned subList is still backed by the
 * original list.
List<LatLng> getHalfOf(List<LatLng> recList, boolean leftHalf) {
    int mid = recList.size() / 2;
    if (leftHalf) {
        return recList.subList(0, mid);
    } else {
        return recList.subList(mid, recList.size());

private void sortRecListByDimension(List<LatLng> recList, boolean sortByLat) {
    Comparator<LatLng> comparator = sortByLat ? latComparator
            : lonComparator;
    Collections.sort(recList, comparator);

class LatLonComparator implements Comparator<LatLng> {
    private boolean byLat;

    public LatLonComparator(boolean sortByLat) {
        this.byLat = sortByLat;

    public int compare(LatLng lhs, LatLng rhs) {
        double diff;
        if (byLat) {
            diff = lhs.latitude - rhs.latitude;
        } else {
            diff = lhs.longitude - rhs.longitude;
        if (diff > 0) {
            return 1;
        } else if (diff < 0) {
            return -1;
        } else {
            return 0;



/** Node of the KDTree */
public class KDTNode {

KDTNode left;
KDTNode right;
boolean isLeaf;
/** latitude or longitude of the nodes division line. */
double splitValue;
/** Distance between division line and first point. */
double minSquareDistance;
 * Depth of the node in the tree. An even depth devides the tree in the
 * latitude-axis, an odd depth devides the tree in the longitude-axis.
int depth;
/** The Waypoint in case the node is a leaf node. */
LatLng wp;



/** Holds the result of a tree traversal. */
public class KDTResult {
LatLng nearestDest;
// I use the square of the distance to avoid square-root operations.
double squareDistance;


于 2013-10-15T15:37:30.770 回答

此代码可以帮助您获取距离:https ://github.com/BeyondAR/beyondar/blob/master/android/BeyondAR_Framework/src/com/beyondar/android/util/math/Distance.java

于 2013-10-15T10:23:56.903 回答

我认为将我的 KDTree(参见我的其他答案)也扩展到 3 维版本应该不会太难,这就是结果。但由于我自己目前还没有使用这个版本,所以要小心。我添加了一个单元测试,这表明它至少适用于您的示例。

/** 3 dimensional implementation of a KDTree for LatLng coordinates. */
public class KDTree {

private XYZComparator xComparator = new XYZComparator(0);
private XYZComparator yComparator = new XYZComparator(1);
private XYZComparator zComparator = new XYZComparator(2);
private XYZComparator[] comparators = { xComparator, yComparator,
        zComparator };

 * Create a KDTree from a list of lat/lon coordinates. Returns the root-node
 * of the tree.
public KDTNode createTree(List<LatLng> recList) {
    List<XYZ> xyzList = convertTo3Dimensions(recList);
    return createTreeRecursive(0, xyzList);

 * Traverse the tree and find the point nearest to wp.
static public LatLng findNearestWp(KDTNode root, LatLng wp) {
    KDTResult result = new KDTResult();
    XYZ xyz = convertTo3Dimensions(wp);
    findNearestWpRecursive(root, xyz, result);
    return result.nearestWp;

/** Convert lat/lon coordinates into a 3 dimensional xyz system. */
private static XYZ convertTo3Dimensions(LatLng wp) {
    // See e.g.
    // http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8981943/lat-long-to-x-y-z-position-in-js-not-working
    double cosLat = Math.cos(wp.latitude * Math.PI / 180.0);
    double sinLat = Math.sin(wp.latitude * Math.PI / 180.0);
    double cosLon = Math.cos(wp.longitude * Math.PI / 180.0);
    double sinLon = Math.sin(wp.longitude * Math.PI / 180.0);
    double rad = 6378137.0;
    double f = 1.0 / 298.257224;
    double C = 1.0 / Math.sqrt(cosLat * cosLat + (1 - f) * (1 - f) * sinLat
            * sinLat);
    double S = (1.0 - f) * (1.0 - f) * C;
    XYZ result = new XYZ();
    result.x = (rad * C) * cosLat * cosLon;
    result.y = (rad * C) * cosLat * sinLon;
    result.z = (rad * S) * sinLat;
    result.wp = wp;
    return result;

private List<XYZ> convertTo3Dimensions(List<LatLng> recList) {
    List<XYZ> result = new ArrayList<KDTree.XYZ>();
    for (LatLng latLng : recList) {
        XYZ xyz = convertTo3Dimensions(latLng);
    return result;

private static void findNearestWpRecursive(KDTNode node, XYZ wp,
        KDTResult result) {
    /* If a leaf node, calculate distance and return. */
    if (node.isLeaf) {
        double xDiff = node.xyz.x - wp.x;
        double yDiff = node.xyz.y - wp.y;
        double zDiff = node.xyz.z - wp.z;
        double squareDist = xDiff * xDiff + yDiff * yDiff + zDiff * zDiff;
        // Replace a previously found nearestDest only if the new one is
        // nearer.
        if (result.nearestWp == null || result.squareDistance > squareDist) {
            result.nearestWp = node.xyz.wp;
            result.squareDistance = squareDist;
    int devidedByDimension = node.depth % 3;
    boolean goLeft;
    /* Check whether left or right is more promising. */
    if (devidedByDimension == 0) {
        goLeft = wp.x < node.splitValue;
    } else if (devidedByDimension == 1) {
        goLeft = wp.y < node.splitValue;
    } else {
        goLeft = wp.z < node.splitValue;
    KDTNode child = goLeft ? node.left : node.right;
    findNearestWpRecursive(child, wp, result);
     * Check whether result needs to be checked also against the less
     * promising side.
    if (result.squareDistance > node.minSquareDistance) {
        KDTNode otherChild = goLeft ? node.right : node.left;
        findNearestWpRecursive(otherChild, wp, result);


private KDTNode createTreeRecursive(int depth, List<XYZ> recList) {
    KDTNode node = new KDTNode();
    node.depth = depth;
    if (recList.size() == 1) {
        // Leafnode found
        node.isLeaf = true;
        node.xyz = recList.get(0);
        return node;
    int dimension = node.depth % 3;
    sortWayPointListByDimension(recList, dimension);
    List<XYZ> leftList = getHalfOf(recList, true);
    List<XYZ> rightList = getHalfOf(recList, false);
    // Get split point and distance to last left and first right point.
    XYZ lastLeft = leftList.get(leftList.size() - 1);
    XYZ firstRight = rightList.get(0);
    double minDistanceToSplitValue;
    double splitValue;
    if (dimension == 0) {
        minDistanceToSplitValue = (firstRight.x - lastLeft.x) / 2;
        splitValue = lastLeft.x + Math.abs(minDistanceToSplitValue);
    } else if (dimension == 1) {
        minDistanceToSplitValue = (firstRight.y - lastLeft.y) / 2;
        splitValue = lastLeft.y + Math.abs(minDistanceToSplitValue);
    } else {
        minDistanceToSplitValue = (firstRight.z - lastLeft.z) / 2;
        splitValue = lastLeft.z + Math.abs(minDistanceToSplitValue);
    node.splitValue = splitValue;
    node.minSquareDistance = minDistanceToSplitValue
            * minDistanceToSplitValue;
    /** Call next level */
    node.left = createTreeRecursive(depth, leftList);
    node.right = createTreeRecursive(depth, rightList);
    return node;

 * Return a sublist representing the left or right half of a List. Size of
 * recList must be at least 2 !
 * IMPORTANT !!!!! Note: The original list must not be modified after
 * extracting this sublist, as the returned subList is still backed by the
 * original list.
List<XYZ> getHalfOf(List<XYZ> xyzList, boolean leftHalf) {
    int mid = xyzList.size() / 2;
    if (leftHalf) {
        return xyzList.subList(0, mid);
    } else {
        return xyzList.subList(mid, xyzList.size());

private void sortWayPointListByDimension(List<XYZ> wayPointList, int sortBy) {
    XYZComparator comparator = comparators[sortBy];
    Collections.sort(wayPointList, comparator);

class XYZComparator implements Comparator<XYZ> {
    private int sortBy;

    public XYZComparator(int sortBy) {
        this.sortBy = sortBy;

    public int compare(XYZ lhs, XYZ rhs) {
        double diff;
        if (sortBy == 0) {
            diff = lhs.x - rhs.x;
        } else if (sortBy == 1) {
            diff = lhs.y - rhs.y;
        } else {
            diff = lhs.z - rhs.z;
        if (diff > 0) {
            return 1;
        } else if (diff < 0) {
            return -1;
        } else {
            return 0;


/** 3 Dimensional coordinates of a waypoint. */
static class XYZ {
    double x;
    double y;
    double z;
    // Keep also the original waypoint
    LatLng wp;

/** Node of the KDTree */
public static class KDTNode {

    KDTNode left;
    KDTNode right;
    boolean isLeaf;
    /** latitude or longitude of the nodes division line. */
    double splitValue;
    /** Distance between division line and first point. */
    double minSquareDistance;
     * Depth of the node in the tree. Depth 0,3,6.. devides the tree in the
     * x-axis, depth 1,4,7,.. devides the tree in the y-axis and depth
     * 2,5,8... devides the tree in the z axis.
    int depth;
    /** The Waypoint in case the node is a leaf node. */
    XYZ xyz;


/** Holds the result of a tree traversal. */
static class KDTResult {
    LatLng nearestWp;
    // We use the square of the distance to avoid square-root operations.
    double squareDistance;


public void testSOExample() {
    KDTree tree = new KDTree();
    LatLng Bangalore = new LatLng(12.971599, 77.594563);
    LatLng Delhi = new LatLng(28.635308, 77.224960);
    LatLng Mumbai = new LatLng(19.075984, 72.877656);
    LatLng Chennai = new LatLng(13.052414, 80.250825);
    LatLng Kolkata = new LatLng(22.572646, 88.363895);
    List<LatLng> cities = Arrays.asList(new LatLng[] { Bangalore, Delhi,
            Mumbai, Chennai, Kolkata });

    KDTree.KDTNode root = tree.createTree(cities);
    LatLng Hyderabad = new LatLng(17.385044, 78.486671);
    LatLng nearestWp = tree.findNearestWp(root, Hyderabad);

    assertEquals(nearestWp, Bangalore);
于 2013-10-15T20:47:36.267 回答


public void calculateDistance() {

  if (latitude != 0.0 && longitude != 0.0) {
    for(int i=0;i<97;i++) { 
      Location myTargetLocation=new Location("");
      mdb.insertDetails(name[i],targetLatitude[i], targetLongitude[i], distance[i]);

    Cursor c1= mdb.getallDetail();
    while (c1.moveToNext()) {
      String station_name=c1.getString(1);
      double latitude=c1.getDouble(2);
      double longitude=c1.getDouble(3);
      double dis=c1.getDouble(4);
      //Toast.makeText(getApplicationContext(),station_name+" & "+latitude+" &  "+longitude+" &  "+dis,1).show();
    double nearest_distance=distance[0];
    Cursor c2=mdb.getNearestStationName();
        while (c2.moveToNext()) {

            double min_dis=c2.getDouble(4);
                String nearest_stationName=c2.getString(1);
                else if(btn_clicked.equals("dest"))

         Toast.makeText(this, "GPS is Not Working Properly,, please check Gps and  Wait for few second", 1).show(); 

我们所要做的就是创建一个名为 targetLatitude[i] 和 targetLongitude[i] 的数组,其中包含您要计算距离的所有地点的纬度和经度。然后创建一个数据库,如下图:

public class MyDataBase {
    SQLiteDatabase sdb;
    MyHelper mh;
    MyDataBase(Context con)
    mh = new MyHelper(con, "Metro",null, 1);

public void open() {
catch(Exception e)



public void insertDetails(String name,double latitude,double longitude,double distance) {

ContentValues cv=new ContentValues();
cv.put("name", name);
cv.put("latitude", latitude);
cv.put("distance", distance);
sdb.insert("stations", null, cv);

public void insertStops(String stop,double latitude,double logitude)
    ContentValues cv=new ContentValues();
    cv.put("stop", stop);
    cv.put("latitude", latitude);
    cv.put("logitude", logitude);
    sdb.insert("stops", null, cv);


public Cursor getallDetail()
    Cursor c=sdb.query("stations",null,null,null,null,null,null);
    return c;
public Cursor getNearestStationName() {
    Cursor c=sdb.query("stations",null,null,null,null,null,null);
    return c;

public Cursor getStops(String stop)
    Cursor c;
    c=sdb.query("stops",null,"stop=?",new String[]{stop},null, null, null);
    return c;

class MyHelper extends SQLiteOpenHelper

    public MyHelper(Context context, String name, CursorFactory factory,
            int version) {
        super(context, name, factory, version);
        // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub

    public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase db) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        db.execSQL("Create table stations(_id integer primary key,name text," +
                " latitude double, longitude double, distance double );");
        db.execSQL("Create table stops(_id integer primary key,stop text," +
                "latitude double,logitude double);");


    public void onUpgrade(SQLiteDatabase db, int oldVersion, int newVersion) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub


public void deleteDetail() {


public void close() {




于 2013-12-18T07:12:43.827 回答

在二维中搜索单个点(可能经常变化)和大量点之间的最小距离的一种有效方法是使用QuadTree。最初构建 QuadTree 是有成本的(即,将标记位置添加到数据结构中),因此您只想执行一次(或尽可能不频繁地执行此操作)。但是,一旦构造完成,搜索最近点通常会比对大集合中的所有点进行蛮力比较更快。

BBN 的 OpenMap 项目有一个开源的 QuadTree Java 实现,我相信它应该可以在 Android 上运行,它有一种get(float lat, float lon)返回最近点的方法。

Google 的 android-maps-utils 库也有一个 QuadTree 的开源实现,旨在在 Android 上运行,但目前编写它只支持返回给定边界框中的一组点的search(Bounds bounds)操作,而不是点最接近输入点。但是,可以对其进行修改以执行最近点搜索。

如果您的点数相对较少(70-80 可能足够小),那么在实际性能中,蛮力比较可能会在与 QuadTree 解决方案类似的时间内执行。但是,这也取决于您打算重新计算最近点的频率 - 如果频繁,QuadTree 可能是更好的选择。

于 2013-10-09T19:44:36.553 回答