您好我是 C# 和 C++ 编程的新手,并试图在 C# 项目(.NET 3.5)中使用非托管 C++ dll。我被困在这个错误上:
#define FUNCTIONLIB_API __declspec(dllexport)
#define FUNCTIONLIB_API __declspec(dllimport)
typedef struct _FunctionOpt
char UserName[32];
char Password[32];
char ServerIP[128];
int ServerPort;
int Index;
char TargetSubChannel;
long Timeout;
char Filepath[256];
bool isFirst;
DWORD SyncTime;
char *pOutBuf;
int OutBufSize;
unsigned short OutImgResW;
unsigned short OutImgResH;
FUNCTIONLIB_API int FunctionLib_Snapshot( PSTFUNCTIONOPT pstFunctionOpt );
我无权访问 C++ 代码,因此只能更改以下 C# 代码。我的相关代码如下:
public unsafe struct PSTFUNCTIONOPT
public char[] UserName;
public char[] Password;
public char[] ServerIP;
public int ServerPort;
public int Index;
public char TargetSubChannel;
public long Timeout;
public char[] Filepath;
public bool isFirst;
public uint SyncTime;
public char *pOutBuf; // example C++ usage: myStruct.pOutBuf = (char*)malloc(1920 * 1080 * 3);
public int OutBufSize;
public ushort OutImgResW;
public ushort OutImgResH;
// need to use dumpbin to get entrypoint name due to c++ mangling
[DllImport(@"C:\Location\To\Project\bin\FunctionLibLib.dll", EntryPoint = "?FunctionLib_Snapshot@@YAHPAU_FunctionOpt@@@Z")]
public static extern int FunctionLib_Snapshot(PSTFUNCTIONOPT pstFunctionOpt);
public unsafe int FunctionLib_Run()
stFunctionOpt.UserName = ("uname").ToCharArray();
stFunctionOpt.Password = ("pword").ToCharArray();
stFunctionOpt.ServerIP = ("").ToCharArray();
stFunctionOpt.ServerPort = 80;
stFunctionOpt.Index = 255;
stFunctionOpt.Timeout = 15000;
stFunctionOpt.Filepath = ("c:\\temp\\test.jpg").ToCharArray();
stFunctionOpt.isFirst = true;
stFunctionOpt.SyncTime = 0;
//stFunctionOpt.pOutBuf = new char*[10000]; // not sure how to do this yet
stFunctionOpt.OutBufSize = 10000;
// get result from DLL
return FunctionLib_Snapshot(stFunctionOpt);
如何正确地将结构传递给这个非托管 DLL?该错误似乎很简单,但我无法缩小问题范围。任何帮助表示赞赏!