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(get-top-level-forms-of 'clojure.zip)
['(ns ^{:doc "Functional hierarchical zipper, with navigation, editing,
and enumeration. See Huet"
:author "Rich Hickey"}
(:refer-clojure :exclude (replace remove next)))
'(defn zipper
"Creates a new zipper structure.
branch? is a fn that, given a node, returns true if can have
children, even if it currently doesn't.
children is a fn that, given a branch node, returns a seq of its
make-node is a fn that, given an existing node and a seq of
children, returns a new branch node with the supplied children.
root is the root node."
{:added "1.0"}
[branch? children make-node root]
^{:zip/branch? branch? :zip/children children :zip/make-node make-node}
[root nil])
'(defn seq-zip
"Returns a zipper for nested sequences, given a root sequence"
{:added "1.0"}
(zipper seq?