I'm working on the design for a windows 8 app, with a team of developers.We have finalized most of the screens for the app, the developer informed me to do the mockup of the entire app in photoshop to be presented to him and the screen size should be 480 x 800. ( right now sitting at 480 x 1800 due to scroll in page)

I have been informed to optimize the mockup for the other 2 remaining screen sizes 768 x 1280 and 720 x 1280 is this required? wouldnt this be covered in development stage.

From my present html5 and css knowledge building small static websites, width 100% in a container with width wouldnt fix this?

As the design is following the guidelines with grids i made from the guidlines pdf i had set it up for 480 x 800 now with two new screen size how can i go about this?

Can i change the canvas size in photoshop and resize all the elements?.

Please let me know if there is anyway possible to get hands on - SplashScreenImage.Screen-WXGA.jpg , SplashScreenImage.Screen-720p.jpg so i can overlay the jpg in photoshop and create grid i have windows 7 not able to install SDK to get these 2 images.


1 回答 1


其他分辨率的模型(几乎)是相同的。有自动缩放。唯一的区别是 720p 分辨率的屏幕代表缩放后的 480x853 分辨率,这几乎没有任何问题(如果您有可滚动页面,就像您描述的那样,开发人员只需确保可滚动组件是高度可扩展的组件) .


唯一的问题是图像。(上述来源)的建议是使用最高比例,即对于 480x800 屏幕上大小为 100x100 的图像,使用 160x160 大小的文件。

于 2013-10-07T08:52:47.403 回答