Realization: Wow spent so much time staring at this code I finally noticed something I'd been missing all along. I initialize i = size which means at the start the array is looking at an unfilled spot so I finally understand why it always puts a repeat. Now to attempt to fix it. Feel free to berate me.
I'm looking through the array backwards because I'm using an insertion sort algorithm so I work backwards from the last known element to alphabetize the data. However no matter what the final line in the data file (from which I'm reading) it always repeats twice. Here is the array contents printed to demonstrate the repeat:
List of names sorted:
100 bill gates
100 bill gates
65 duck donald
60 frog freddie
71 ghost casper
85 mouse abby
73 mouse mickey
95 mouse minnie
Notice that bill gates is listed twice. The problem appears to be with the way I'm looping. If I modify the lower bound in the loop to 1 instead of 0 then shit goes haywire. Here is the function in question, I don't believe any of the code outside is relevant so I did not include it:
bool sortInput(ifstream &infile, StudentType students[], int &size)
StudentType temp;
//empty condition
if(size == 0)
infile >> temp.last >> temp.first >> temp.grade;
strcpy(students[0].last, temp.last);
strcpy(students[0].first, temp.first);
students[0].grade = temp.grade;
infile >> temp.last >> temp.first >> temp.grade;
if(temp.grade >= LOWGRADE && temp.grade <= MAXGRADE)
for(int i = size; i > 0; i--)
if(strcmp(temp.last, students[i-1].last) < 0)
students[i] = students[i-1];
students[i-1] = temp;
else if(strcmp(temp.last, students[i-1].last) == 0 && strcmp(temp.first, students[i-1].first) < 0)
students[i] = students[i-1];
students[i-1] = temp;
students[i] = temp;
//tester loop to print contents every step of the way
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
cout << "TEST: " << students[i].last << " " << students[i].first << " " << students[i].grade << endl;
cout << "DONE" << endl;
} //end for loop
} //end while loop
return true;
However if the full code is necessary for further context then here it is:
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// You write meaningful doxygen comments and assumptions
#include <string.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
int const MAXSIZE = 100; // maximum number of records in total
int const MAXLENGTH = 31; // maximum string length
int const MAXGRADE = 100; // highest possible grade
int const LOWGRADE = 0; // lowest possible grade
int const GROUP = 10; // group amount
struct StudentType { // information of one student
int grade; // the grade of the student
char last[MAXLENGTH]; // last name (MAXLENGTH-1 at most)
char first[MAXLENGTH]; // first name (MAXLENGTH-1 at most)
// prototypes go here
bool sortInput(ifstream &, StudentType [], int &);
void displayList(StudentType [], int);
void setHistogram(int [], StudentType [], int);
void displayHistogram(int []);
int findAverage(StudentType [], int);
//------------------------------- main ----------------------------------------
int main() {
StudentType students[MAXSIZE]; // list of MAXSIZE number of students
int size = 0; // total number of students
int histogram[HISTOGRAMSIZE]; // grades grouped by GROUP
int average = 0; // average exam score, truncated
// creates file object and opens the data file
ifstream infile("data1.txt");
if (!infile) {
cout << "File could not be opened." << endl;
return 1;
// read and sort input by last then first name
bool successfulRead = sortInput(infile, students, size);
// display list, histogram, and class average
if (successfulRead) {
displayList(students, size);
setHistogram(histogram, students, size);
average = findAverage(students, size);
cout << "Average grade: " << average << endl << endl;
return 0;
bool sortInput(ifstream &infile, StudentType students[], int &size)
StudentType temp;
//empty condition
if(size == 0)
infile >> temp.last >> temp.first >> temp.grade;
strcpy(students[0].last, temp.last);
strcpy(students[0].first, temp.first);
students[0].grade = temp.grade;
infile >> temp.last >> temp.first >> temp.grade;
if(temp.grade >= LOWGRADE && temp.grade <= MAXGRADE)
for(int i = size; i > 0; i--)
if(strcmp(temp.last, students[i-1].last) < 0)
students[i] = students[i-1];
students[i-1] = temp;
else if(strcmp(temp.last, students[i-1].last) == 0 && strcmp(temp.first, students[i-1].first) < 0)
students[i] = students[i-1];
students[i-1] = temp;
students[i] = temp;
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
cout << "TEST: " << students[i].last << " " << students[i].first << " " << students[i].grade << endl;
cout << "DONE" << endl;
} //end for loop
} //end while loop
return true;
void displayList(StudentType students[], int size)
cout << "List of names sorted:" << endl;
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
cout << " " << students[i].grade << " " << students[i].last << " " << students[i].first << endl;
cout << endl;
void setHistogram(int histogram[], StudentType students[], int size)
int groupIndex;
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
groupIndex = (students[i].grade - LOWGRADE) / GROUP;
void displayHistogram(int histogram[])
cout << "Histogram of grades: " << endl;
int bottomBin = LOWGRADE;
int binWidth = (MAXGRADE - LOWGRADE) / GROUP - 1;
int topBin = bottomBin + binWidth;
for(int i = 0; i < HISTOGRAMSIZE; i++)
cout << bottomBin << "--> " << topBin << ": ";
for(int j = 0; j < histogram[i]; j++)
cout << "*";
cout << endl;
bottomBin += binWidth + 1;
topBin = min(topBin + binWidth + 1, MAXGRADE);
int findAverage(StudentType students[], int size)
int total = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < size; i++)
total += students[i].grade;
return total / size;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// functions with meaningful doxygen comments and assumptions go here