我对 C 和指针比较陌生。我正在尝试排序然后打印结构的链接列表。要么我错过了一个逻辑错误,要么我没有完全理解指针。有人可以向我解释一下我在这段代码中缺少什么吗?预先感谢您!

// *** Sort Linked List ( Merge Sort ) ***

struct address_node *newRoot;

// ptr, rearPtr, and tempRoot are also struct Pointers
newRoot = root;
root = root->next;

while (root != NULL)
    tempRoot = root;
    ptr = newRoot;
    rearPtr = newRoot;

    while (ptr != NULL)
        if ((root->frequency) == (ptr->frequency))
        {                       // SPECIAL CASE: To determine read hierarchy for repeated
                                // Entries
            if ((root->read_order) < (ptr->read_order))
                if (ptr == newRoot)
                    root = root->next;
                    tempRoot->next = newRoot;
                    newRoot = tempRoot;
                    ptr = NULL;
                    root = root->next;
                    tempRoot->next = ptr;
                    rearPtr->next = tempRoot;
                    ptr = NULL;
        else if ((root->frequency) > ptr->frequency)
        {                       // To ADD BEFORE an ENTRY
            if (ptr == newRoot)
                root = root->next;
                tempRoot->next = newRoot;
                newRoot = tempRoot;
                ptr = NULL;
                root = root->next;
                tempRoot->next = ptr;
                rearPtr->next = tempRoot;
                ptr = NULL;
        else if (ptr->next == NULL)
        {                       // if END OF LIST
            root = root->next;
            ptr->next = tempRoot;
            ptr = NULL;
        {                       // SPOT NOT FOUND YET< MOVE FORWARD THROUGH LIST
            rearPtr = ptr;
            ptr = ptr->next;

// *** PRINT ***
ptr = newRoot;
if (numOut == 0)
    while (ptr != NULL)
        printf("0x%zx :%d\n", ptr->address, ptr->frequency);
        ptr = ptr->next;
    while (ptr != NULL && numOut > 0)
        printf("0x%zx :%d\n", ptr->address, ptr->frequency);
        ptr = ptr->next;

2 回答 2


你所有的指针似乎都指向同一个东西,root。因此,在一种情况下,root 会向前移动,但随后您将 root->next 指向 root 后面的内容。所以想象一下 root 指向 bob 并且 root->next 指向 bill,假设你的第一个 ifs 嵌套都为真,root = bill 但 root->next = bob。没有向前移动。

于 2013-10-07T01:10:56.140 回答


#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <inttypes.h>

struct address_node
    struct address_node *next;
    int frequency;
    int read_order;
static void sort_list(struct address_node * *root);
static void print_list(char const *tag, struct address_node const *root);

int main(void)
    struct address_node data[] =
        { &data[1], 43, 0 },
        { &data[2], 23, 1 },
        { &data[3], 13, 2 },
        { &data[4], 27, 3 },
        { &data[5], 57, 4 },
        { &data[6], 17, 5 },
        { &data[7], 27, 6 },
        { &data[8], 20, 7 },
        { &data[9], 30, 8 },
        {     NULL, 50, 9 },
    struct address_node *root = &data[0];

    print_list("Before", root);
    print_list("After", root);

static void sort_list(struct address_node **proot)
    struct address_node *root = *proot;
    struct address_node *newRoot;
    struct address_node *ptr;
    struct address_node *rearPtr;
    struct address_node *tempRoot;

    printf("-->> %s: root 0x%.12" PRIXPTR "\n", __func__, (uintptr_t)root);
    newRoot = root;
    root = root->next;

    while (root != NULL)
        tempRoot = root;
        ptr = newRoot;
        rearPtr = newRoot;

        while (ptr != NULL)
            printf("here  1: root 0x%.12" PRIXPTR "\n", (uintptr_t)root);
            if (root->frequency == ptr->frequency)
                printf("here  2: root 0x%.12" PRIXPTR "\n", (uintptr_t)root);
                if (root->read_order < ptr->read_order)
                    if (ptr == newRoot)
                        root = root->next;
                        tempRoot->next = newRoot;
                        newRoot = tempRoot;
                        ptr = NULL;
                        printf("here 2A: root 0x%.12" PRIXPTR "\n", (uintptr_t)root);
                        root = root->next;
                        tempRoot->next = ptr;
                        rearPtr->next = tempRoot;
                        ptr = NULL;
                        printf("here 2B: root 0x%.12" PRIXPTR "\n", (uintptr_t)root);
                    printf("here 2C: root 0x%.12" PRIXPTR "\n", (uintptr_t)root);
            else if (root->frequency > ptr->frequency)
                printf("here  3: root 0x%.12" PRIXPTR "\n", (uintptr_t)root);
                if (ptr == newRoot)
                    root = root->next;
                    tempRoot->next = newRoot;
                    newRoot = tempRoot;
                    ptr = NULL;
                    printf("here 3A: root 0x%.12" PRIXPTR "\n", (uintptr_t)root);
                    root = root->next;
                    tempRoot->next = ptr;
                    rearPtr->next = tempRoot;
                    ptr = NULL;
                printf("here 3B: root 0x%.12" PRIXPTR "\n", (uintptr_t)root);
            else if (ptr->next == NULL)
                printf("here  4: root 0x%.12" PRIXPTR "\n", (uintptr_t)root);
                root = root->next;
                ptr->next = tempRoot;
                ptr = NULL;
                printf("here  5: root 0x%.12" PRIXPTR "\n", (uintptr_t)root);
                rearPtr = ptr;
                ptr = ptr->next;
    *proot = root;
    printf("<<-- %s: root 0x%.12" PRIXPTR "\n", __func__, (uintptr_t)root);

static void print_list(char const *tag, struct address_node const *root)
    printf("%s: 0x%.12" PRIXPTR "\n", tag, (uintptr_t)root);
    while (root != NULL)
        printf("0x%.12" PRIXPTR " : %2d %2d\n",
              (uintptr_t)root, root->frequency, root->read_order);
        root = root->next;


Before: 0x7FFF5382D440
0x7FFF5382D440 : 43  0
0x7FFF5382D450 : 23  1
0x7FFF5382D460 : 13  2
0x7FFF5382D470 : 27  3
0x7FFF5382D480 : 57  4
0x7FFF5382D490 : 17  5
0x7FFF5382D4A0 : 27  6
0x7FFF5382D4B0 : 20  7
0x7FFF5382D4C0 : 30  8
0x7FFF5382D4D0 : 50  9
-->> sort_list: root 0x7FFF5382D440
here  1: root 0x7FFF5382D450
here  5: root 0x7FFF5382D450
here  1: root 0x7FFF5382D450
here  2: root 0x7FFF5382D450
here 2C: root 0x7FFF5382D450
here  1: root 0x7FFF5382D450
here  2: root 0x7FFF5382D450
here 2C: root 0x7FFF5382D450
here  1: root 0x7FFF5382D450
here  2: root 0x7FFF5382D450
here 2C: root 0x7FFF5382D450
here  1: root 0x7FFF5382D450
here  2: root 0x7FFF5382D450
here 2C: root 0x7FFF5382D450
here  1: root 0x7FFF5382D450
here  2: root 0x7FFF5382D450
here 2C: root 0x7FFF5382D450

这之后就没有更令人兴奋的了。我相信,您需要内部循环在每次迭代中向前推进,因此您需要确保root每次都更新。第else(5)款完全不变root;(2C) 条款也没有。因此,您需要返回并确保root在每次迭代时都进行适当的更新。如果更改为 always root = root->next;,则应调查for以 as 为重新初始化条件的循环是否root = root->next合适。

于 2013-10-07T01:26:25.053 回答