我试图确保数据库中的每一列都将从 HTML 中提取,但只有前两列会提取。最后三列不起作用。两个是文本值,最后一列是小数。有人可以告诉我我错过了什么吗?谢谢!
$colmName = $_POST["colName"];
$colmValue = $_POST["colValue"];
$count = 0;
if ($colmName = 'productID')
$theQuery = "SELECT * FROM products
WHERE productID = $colmValue";
$rSet = $db->query ($theQuery);
elseif ($colmName = 'categoryID')
$theQuery = "SELECT * FROM products
WHERE categoryID = $colmValue";
$rSet = $db->query($theQuery);
elseif ($colmName = 'productCode')
$theQuery = "SELECT * FROM products
WHERE (productCode = '$colmValue')";
$rSet= $db->query($theQuery);
elseif ($colName = 'productName')
$theQuery = "SELECT * FROM products
WHERE (productName = '$colmValue')";
$rSet = $db->query ($theQuery);
elseif ($colName = 'listPrice')
$theQuer = "SELECT * FROM products
WHERE listPrice = $colmValue";
$rSet = $db->query ($theQuery);
echo ('Enter a valid column name from the products table and an existing value. Either productID, categoryID, productCode, productName, or listPrice.');
include (index.html);
exit ();
}//end if
foreach($rSet AS $products)
$list .= $count.' '.$products['productID']
.' '.$products['categoryID']
.' '.$products['productCode']
.' '.$products['productName']
.' '.$products['listPrice']
echo ("<p>The data for $colmName with a value of $colmValue is listed below:<p>");
// echo ($list);//just to check if it works before putting it in a table
// echo ('<p>');//for spacing
<DOCTYPE! html>
<title>Product Results</title>
<table border="1">
<tr><td><?php echo $products['productID'];?></td><td><?php echo $products['categoryID'];?></td><td><?php echo $products['productCode'];$