
我有一个名为 tags 的目录,其中每个标签都有一个文件,例如:



<inode> <filename> <filepath>



tags <t1> <t2> 

并让它以一种很好的方式列出同时具有标签 t1 和 t2 的文件。

我现在的计划是制作一个临时文件。基本上将t1的整个文件输出到其中。然后遍历 t2 中的每一行并对文件执行 awk。继续这样做。

但我想知道是否有人有其他方法。我对 awk、grep 等不太熟悉。


4 回答 4



comm -12 <t1> <t2>


   -1     suppress column 1 (lines unique to FILE1)

   -2     suppress column 2 (lines unique to FILE2)

   -3     suppress column 3 (lines that appear in both files)


于 2013-10-06T21:44:31.407 回答


sort t1 t2 | uniq -d


这假定每个文件中不包含重复项,并且特定文件的所有结构中的 inode 都是相同的。

于 2013-10-06T21:42:36.973 回答


我提供了 3 个解决方案:一个不处理文件中重复行的简单解决方案;一个更复杂的可以处理它们的;还有一个更复杂的也可以处理它们并且(过度)设计以提高性能。解决方案#1 和#2 假设它的版本awk具有FNR变量,解决方案#3 需要gawk's ENDFILE(尽管可以通过使用FNR == 1而不是重新安排一些逻辑来规避这种情况)。


awk ' FNR == 1 { b++ } { a[$0]++ } END { for (i in a) { if (a[i] == b) { print i } } } ' \
    t1 t2 t3

解决方案 #2(处理文件中的重复行):

awk ' FNR == 1 { b++ ; delete c }
      c[$0] == 0 { a[$0]++ ; c[$0] = 1 }
      END { for (i in a) { if (a[i] == b) { print i } } } ' \
    t1 t2 t3

解决方案#3(高性能,处理文件中的重复项,但很复杂,并且书面依赖于gawk's ENDFILE):

awk ' b == 0 { a[$0] = 0 ; next } 
      $0 in a { a[$0] = 1 } 
      ENDFILE { 
          if (b == 0) { b = 1 } 
          else { for (i in a) { if (a[i] == 0) { delete a[i] } else { a[i] = 0 } } } 
      END { for (i in a) { print i } } ' \
    t1 t2 t3

#1 的解释:

FNR == 1 { b++ }              # when awk reads the first line of a new file, FNR resets 
                              # to 1. every time FNR == 1, we increment a counter 
                              # variable b. 
                              # this counts the number of input files.

{ a[$0]++ }                   # on every line in every file, take the whole line ( $0 ), 
                              # use it as a key in the array a, and increase the value 
                              # of a[$0] by 1.
                              # this counts the number of observations of line $0 across 
                              # all input files.

END { ... }                   # after reading the last line of the last file...

for (i in a) { ... }          # ... loop over the keys of array a ...

if (a[i] == b) { ... }        # ... and if the value at that key is equal to the number 
                              # of input files...

print i                       # ... we print the key - i.e. the line.

#2 的解释:

c[$0] == 0 { a[$0]++ ; c[$0] = 1 }  # as above, but now we include an array c that 
                                    # indicates if we've seen lines *within* each file.
                                    # if we haven't seen the line before in this file, we 
                                    # increment the count at that line(/key) in array a. 
                                    # we also set the value at that key in array c to 1 
                                    # to note that we've now seen it in this file before.

FNR == 1 { b++ ; delete c }         # as previous solution, but now we also clear the 
                                    # array c between files.

#3 的解释:

这篇文章已经很长了,所以我不会为这个解决方案逐行做。但简而言之:1)我们创建一个数组a,其中包含第一个文件中的每一行作为键,所有值都设置为0;2) 在后续文件中,如果该行是 中的一个键a,我们将该键处的值设置为1; 3)在每个文件的末尾,我们删除所有a有值的键0(表明我们在前一个文件中没有看到它),并将所有剩余的值重置为0;4)读取所有文件后,打印剩余的每个键a. 我们在这里得到了很好的加速,因为我们不必保留和搜索到目前为止我们所看到的每一行的数组,我们只保留所有先前文件的交集的行数组,其中 (通常!)随着每个新文件缩小。



### Create test data with *no duplicated lines within files*

mkdir test_dir; cd test_dir

for i in {1..30}; do shuf -i 1-540000 -n 500000 > test_no_dups${i}.txt; done

### Solution #0: based on sort and uniq

time sort test_no_dups*.txt | uniq -c | sed -n 's/^ *30 //p' > intersect_no_dups.txt

# real    0m12.982s
# user    0m51.594s
# sys     0m3.250s

wc -l < intersect_no_dups.txt # 53772

### Solution #1:

time \
awk ' FNR == 1 { b++ }
      { a[$0]++ } 
      END { for (i in a) { if (a[i] == b) { print i } } } ' \
    test_no_dups*.txt \
  > intersect_no_dups.txt

# real    0m8.048s
# user    0m7.484s
# sys     0m0.313s

wc -l < intersect_no_dups.txt # 53772

### Solution #2:

time \
awk ' FNR == 1 { b++ ; delete c }
      c[$0] == 0 { a[$0]++ ; c[$0] = 1 }
      END { for (i in a) { if (a[i] == b) { print i } } } ' \
    test_no_dups*.txt \
  > intersect_no_dups.txt

# real    0m14.965s
# user    0m14.688s
# sys     0m0.297s

wc -l < intersect_no_dups.txt # 53772

### Solution #3:

time \
awk ' b == 0 { a[$0] = 0 ; next } 
      $0 in a { a[$0] = 1 } 
      ENDFILE { 
          if (b == 0) { b = 1 } 
          else { for (i in a) { if (a[i] == 0) { delete a[i] } else { a[i] = 0 } } } 
      END { for (i in a) { print i } } ' \
      test_no_dups*.txt \
  > intersect_no_dups.txt

# real    0m5.929s
# user    0m5.672s
# sys     0m0.250s

wc -l < intersect_no_dups.txt # 53772


### Create test data containing repeated lines (-r: sample w/ replacement)

for i in {1..30} ; do
    shuf -r -i 1-150000 -n 500000 > test_dups${i}.txt

### Solution #0: based on sort and uniq

time \
for i in test_dups*.txt ; do
    sort -u "$i"
done \
| sort \
| uniq -c \
| sed -n 's/^ *30 //p' \
> intersect_dups.txt

# real   0m13.503s
# user   0m26.688s
# sys    0m2.297s

wc -l < intersect_dups.txt # 50389

### [Solution #1 won't work here]

### Solution #2:

# note: `delete c` can be replaced with `split("", c)`
time \
awk ' FNR == 1 { b++ ; delete c }
      c[$0] == 0 { a[$0]++ ; c[$0] = 1 }
      END { for (i in a) { if (a[i] == b) { print i } } } ' \
    test_dups*.txt \
  > intersect_dups.txt

# real   0m7.097s
# user   0m6.891s
# sys    0m0.188s

wc -l < intersect_dups.txt # 50389

### Solution #3:

time \
awk ' b == 0 { a[$0] = 0 ; next } 
      $0 in a { a[$0] = 1 } 
      ENDFILE { 
          if (b == 0) { b = 1 } 
          else { for (i in a) { if (a[i] == 0) { delete a[i] } else { a[i] = 0 } } } 
      END { for (i in a) { print i } } ' \
      test_dups*.txt \
  > intersect_dups.txt

# real   0m4.616s
# user   0m4.375s
# sys    0m0.234s

wc -l < intersect_dups.txt # 50389

于 2019-05-22T18:44:42.413 回答

Version for multiple files:

eval `perl -le 'print "cat ",join(" | grep -xF -f- ", @ARGV)' t*`

Expands to:

cat t1 | grep -xF -f- t2 | grep -xF -f- t3

Test files:

seq 0 20 | tee t1; seq 0 2 20 | tee t2; seq 0 3 20 | tee t3


于 2015-08-14T23:17:31.247 回答