So im trying to creat a Jpanel with a comboBox at the top, with 2 options, when choose options you get different "screens" in the jpanel but the comboBox stays, i know how to create comboBox and ActionLister but my question is how do i换屏幕?在 jframe 中放置不同的面板?有任何想法吗?


1 回答 1


im trying to create JPanel with a comboBox at the top, with 2 options, when choose options you get different "screens" in the jpanel but the comboBox stays

阅读 Swing 教程中关于如何使用卡片布局的部分,以获得完全符合您要求的工作示例。

于 2013-10-06T18:50:35.143 回答