


从小plm插图 (p.2) 来看,基础模型是:

y _it = alpha + beta _transposed * x _it + ( mu _i + lambda _t + epsilon _it)

其中 mu_i 是误差项的单个分量(又名“个体效应”),而 lambda_t 是“时间效应”。

可以通过 using 提取固定效应fixef(),我认为我可以使用它们(连同自变量)来计算模型的拟合值,使用(带有两个自变量)以这种方式:

适合_it = alpha + beta _1 * x1 + beta _2 * x2 + mu _i + lambda _t






library(data.table); library(plm)

DT <- data.table(CJ(id=c("a","b","c","d"), time=c(1:10)))
DT[, x1:=rnorm(40)]
DT[, x2:=rnorm(40)]
DT[, y:=x1 + 2*x2 + rnorm(40)/10]
DT <- DT[!(id=="a" & time==4)] # just to make it an unbalanced panel
setkey(DT, id, time)

summary(plmFEit <- plm(data=DT, id=c("id","time"), formula=y ~ x1 + x2, model="within", effect="twoways"))

# Extract the fitted values from the plm object
FV <- data.table(plmFEit$model, residuals=as.numeric(plmFEit$residuals))
FV[, y := as.numeric(y)]
FV[, x1 := as.numeric(x1)]
FV[, x2 := as.numeric(x2)]

DT <- merge(x=DT, y=FV, by=c("y","x1","x2"), all=TRUE)
DT[, fitted.plm := as.numeric(y) - as.numeric(residuals)]

FEI <- data.table(as.matrix(fixef(object=plmFEit, effect="individual", type="level")), keep.rownames=TRUE) # as.matrix needed to preserve the names?
setnames(FEI, c("id","fei"))
setkey(FEI, id)
setkey(DT, id)
DT <- DT[FEI] # merge the fei into the data, each id gets a single number for every row

FET <- data.table(as.matrix(fixef(object=plmFEit, effect="time", type="level")), keep.rownames=TRUE) # as.matrix needed to preserve the names?
setnames(FET, c("time","fet"))
FET[, time := as.integer(time)] # fixef returns time as character
setkey(FET, time)
setkey(DT, time)
DT <- DT[FET] # merge the fet into the data, each time gets a single number for every row

# calculate the fitted values (called calc to distinguish from those from plm)
DT[, fitted.calc := as.numeric(coef(plmFEit)[1] * x1 + coef(plmFEit)[2]*x2 + fei + fet)]
DT[, diff := as.numeric(fitted.plm - fitted.calc)]

all.equal(DT$fitted.plm, DT$fitted.calc)


R version 3.2.2 (2015-08-14)
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
Running under: Windows 8 x64 (build 9200)

[1] LC_COLLATE=English_United States.1252  LC_CTYPE=English_United States.1252    LC_MONETARY=English_United States.1252 LC_NUMERIC=C                          
[5] LC_TIME=English_United States.1252    

attached base packages:
[1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     

other attached packages:
[1] plm_1.4-0           Formula_1.2-1       RJSONIO_1.3-0       jsonlite_0.9.17     readxl_0.1.0.9000   data.table_1.9.7    bit64_0.9-5         bit_1.1-12          RevoUtilsMath_3.2.2

loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
 [1] bdsmatrix_1.3-2  Rcpp_0.12.1      lattice_0.20-33  zoo_1.7-12       MASS_7.3-44      grid_3.2.2       chron_2.3-47     nlme_3.1-122     curl_0.9.3       rstudioapi_0.3.1 sandwich_2.3-4  
[12] tools_3.2.2  

编辑:(2015-02-22) 由于这引起了一些兴趣,我将尝试进一步澄清。我试图拟合一个“固定效应”模型(又名“内部”或“最小二乘虚拟变量”,正如 p.3 顶部段落中plm 包小插图所说的那样)——相同的斜率,不同的截距。

这与为time和添加哑元后运行普通 OLS 回归相同idplm使用下面的代码,我可以使用 base从包中复制拟合值lm()。对于假人,很明显 id 和 time 的第一个元素都是要比较的组。我仍然不能做的是如何使用plm包的功能来做同样的事情,我可以很容易地使用lm().

# fit the same with lm() and match the fitted values to those from plm()
lmF <- lm(data = DT, formula = y ~ x1 + x2 + factor(time) + factor(id))
time.lm <- coef(lmF)[grep(x = names(coef(lmF)), pattern = "time", fixed = TRUE)]
time.lm <- c(0, unname(time.lm)) # no need for names, the position index corresponds to time

id.lm <- coef(lmF)[grep(x = names(coef(lmF)), pattern = "id", fixed = TRUE)]
id.lm <- c(0, unname(id.lm))
names(id.lm) <- c("a","b","c","d") # set names so that individual values can be looked up below when generating the fit

DT[, by=list(id, time), fitted.lm := coef(lmF)[["(Intercept)"]]  +  coef(lmF)[["x1"]] * x1  +  coef(lmF)[["x2"]] * x2  +  time.lm[[time]]  +  id.lm[[id]]]
all.equal(DT$fitted.plm, DT$fitted.lm)



4 回答 4


这适用于具有effect="individual"和时间假人的不平衡数据y ~ x +factor(year)

fitted <- pmodel.response(plm.model)-residuals(plm.model)
于 2017-10-18T00:03:21.763 回答

我发现这可以帮助你,因为 lm() 解决方案在我的情况下不起作用(与 plm 包相比,我得到了不同的系数)

因此,这里只是应用 plm 包作者的建议http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/fitted-from-plm-td3003924.html


plm.object <- plm(y ~ lag(y, 1) + z +z2, data = mdt, model= "within", effect="twoways")
fitted <- as.numeric(plm.object$model[[1]] - plm.object$residuals) 

我需要 as.numeric 函数的地方,因为我需要将它用作向量来插入以进行进一步的操作。我还想指出,如果您的模型在右侧有一个滞后的因变量,那么上面带有 as.numeric 的解决方案提供了一个已经 NET 缺失值的向量,因为存在滞后。对我来说,这正是我需要的。

于 2015-04-20T16:08:51.660 回答

我非常接近 Helix123 的减法建议within_intercept(它包含在两个固定效果中的每一个中,因此您需要对此进行纠正)。

我的重建错误中有一个非常具有启发性的模式:个人a总是偏离-0.004858712(对于每个时间段)。每个时间段的个体b, c, d总是偏离 0.002839703,除了在周期 4(没有观察到a),他们偏离 -0.010981192。



DT <- data.table(CJ(id=c("a","b","c","d"), time=c(1:10)))
DT[, x1:=rnorm(40)]
DT[, x2:=rnorm(40)]
DT[, y:= x1 + 2*x2 + rnorm(40)/10]
DT <- DT[!(id=="a" & time==4)] # just to make it an unbalanced panel
setkey(DT, id, time)

plmFEit <- plm(formula=y ~ x1 + x2,


DT[, resids := residuals(plmFEit)]

FEI <- data.table(as.matrix(fixef(plmFEit, effect="individual", type="level")), keep.rownames=TRUE) # as.matrix needed to preserve the names?
setnames(FEI, c("id","fei"))
setkey(FEI, id)
setkey(DT, id)
DT <- DT[FEI] # merge the fei into the data, each id gets a single number for every row

FET <- data.table(as.matrix(fixef(plmFEit, effect="time", type="level")), keep.rownames=TRUE) # as.matrix needed to preserve the names?
setnames(FET, c("time","fet"))
FET[, time := as.integer(time)] # fixef returns time as character
setkey(FET, time)
setkey(DT, time)
DT <- DT[FET] # merge the fet into the data, each time gets a single number for every row

DT[, fitted.calc := plmFEit$coefficients[[1]] * x1 + plmFEit$coefficients[[2]] * x2 +
     fei + fet - within_intercept(plmFEit)]

DT[, myresids := y - fitted.calc]
DT[, myerr := resids - myresids]
于 2017-12-09T19:16:38.363 回答

编辑:适应双向不平衡模型,需要plm版本> = 2.4-0

这是你想要的吗?通过 提取固定效应fixef。以下是不平衡双向模型上的 Grunfeld 数据示例(平衡双向模型的工作原理相同):

gtw_u <- plm(inv ~ value + capital, data = Grunfeld[-200, ], effect = "twoways")
yhat <- as.numeric(gtw_u$model[ , 1] - gtw_u$residuals) # reference
pred_beta <- as.numeric(tcrossprod(coef(gtw_u), as.matrix(gtw_u$model[ , -1])))
pred_effs <- as.numeric(fixef(gtw_u, "twoways")) # sum of ind and time effects

all.equal(pred_effs + pred_beta, yhat) # TRUE -> matches fitted values (yhat)

如果您想将个体效应和时间效应的总和(effect = "twoways"

# Splits of summed up individual and time effects:
# use one "level" and one "dfirst"
ii <- index(gtw_u)[[1L]]; it <- index(gtw_u)[[2L]]
eff_id_dfirst <- c(0, as.numeric(fixef(gtw_u, "individual", "dfirst")))[ii]
eff_ti_dfirst <- c(0, as.numeric(fixef(gtw_u, "time",       "dfirst")))[it]
eff_id_level <- as.numeric(fixef(gtw_u, "individual"))[ii]
eff_ti_level <- as.numeric(fixef(gtw_u, "time"))[it]

all.equal(pred_effs, eff_id_level  + eff_ti_dfirst) # TRUE
all.equal(pred_effs, eff_id_dfirst + eff_ti_level)  # TRUE

(这基于 fixef, 的手册页?fixef。其中还显示了如何处理(平衡和不平衡)单向模型)。

于 2015-11-12T14:28:06.040 回答