是否有任何可能的方法可以使用 PHP 将 .mov 文件转换为 ffmpeg 的 .flv 文件转换问题。如果是,请告诉我该怎么做?
I agree with Kemo, though following the conventions of Stackoverflow, I'll offer the key bit provided by the link given:
ffmpeg -i <filename.mpg> -deinterlace -ar 44100 -r 25 -qmin 3 -qmax 6 <filename.flv>
I often transcode with ffmpeg and I don't ever bother to give all those flags, so you may find my typical use works well enough for you too:
ffmpeg -i inputFile.mov outputFile.flv
That's supposed to just change container formats and it tries to keep everything else as close as possible. I just did that and it seemed to work fine, though I'm uploading my flv somewhere it I'm having an issue, but that's probably totally unrelated to ffmpeg. Any tips?