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             <p  >Whether you are hosting a small lunch meeting or a grand banquet, preparing for an event can be a daunting task. The venue set up, the dishes and beverages must all be carefully planned and executed to be able to provide your guests an outstanding dining experience.</p>
             <p >Save yourself from all these work and engage a seasoned caterer to do everything for you! Occasions Catering is a full-service caterer that has been delivering unique and exceptional culinary experiences since 2006.</p>
             <p  >Occasions Catering represents the best culinary experience in Singapore. We are with our clients from the conceptualization of the ideas to the smooth delivery of the event.From high end corporate functions to intimate gatherings, our skilled kitchen and operation teams continuously astonish clients with detailed setups, appetizing meals and first class service.</p>
             <p style="margin-right:90px" >Don't just take our word for it. Request for a food tasting session today! </p>


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这是完整代码的 jsfiddle:http: //jsfiddle.net/jethph/TKM9Y/。对不起,代码不整洁。



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