我正在尝试使用 tkinter 绘制从文本文件中指定的点(这些点在代码顶部指定,但我将它们放在文本文件中)。我的任务要求我预测这些点,但我想更进一步,让它们直接从我的变量中读取,所以如果 .txt 发生变化,它们也会发生变化。我的问题是我不确定如何解析变量以便 tkinter 可以看到它们。
Here is the code:
Read the following data (I put them into .txt first):
1: 1603714.835939442,142625.48838266544; 1603749.4678153452,142620.21243656706; 1603780.3769339535,142607.37201781105; 1603801.475846678,142582.27024446055; 1603830.4767344964,142536.14692804776;
2: 1602514.2066492266,142330.66992144473; 1602521.4127475217,142414.92978276964; 1602520.1146955898,142433.93817959353; 1602501.3840010355,142439.12358761206; 1602371.6780588734,142417.84858870413; 1602351.6610373354,142408.02716448065; 1602334.5180692307,142388.58748627454; 1602331.6999511716,142376.66073128115; 1602334.8067251327,142348.965322732; 1602338.308919772,142323.6111663878; 1602349.0226452332,142314.50124930218; 1602363.9090971674,142310.79584660195; 1602514.2066492266,142330.66992144473;
The following code define a function 'readPolylineFile' to read out data one line by one line
The readPolylineFile function will return two polylines
In addtion, try....except...finally are used to catch the exceptions
import math
class Points:
def __init__(self, x=0.0, y=0.0):
self.x,self.y = x, y
class Polyline:
def __init__(self, points =[] ):
self.points = points
def getLength(self):
i = 0
length = 0.0
while i < len(self.points)-1:
length += math.sqrt((self.points[i+1].x -self.points[i].x)**2 + (self.points[i+1].y -self.points[i].y)**2 )
i += 1
return length
## function to read out data one line by one line
## return polylines list
def readPolylineFile(fileName):
## Declare variables that will be used outside of try blocks
polylines = [] ## empty polyline list to keep all polylines
f = None # empty file object
f = open(fileName, 'r') ## Open the file and assign the return object to f
firstPolyLineNum = 0
index = 0
for line in f:
index += 1
if index == 1: ## Pass the first line
coords = line.split(':')[1]
eachcoords = coords.split(';')
coordsLen = len(eachcoords)
points = [] ## Declare a points list to keep the points for each polyline
for i in range(coordsLen-1):
singlecoords = eachcoords[i]
xCoord = singlecoords.split(',')[0]
yCoord = singlecoords.split(',')[1]
print singlecoords
point = Points(float(xCoord),float(yCoord))
except ValueError:
print 'Can not convert non-number to float'
except TypeError:
print 'Object type can not conver to float'
## Create a polyline object based on the points
polyline = Polyline(points)
except IOError: ##File does not exist
print 'IO Error while opening or reading the file'
if f: ## If file object exist, close the file
print 'Input .txt has been read and is now closed......'
return polylines ## Return the polylines
polylines = readPolylineFile('F://GMU Fall 2013/GGS 650/HW6/input.txt')
## Get the first polyline
polyLine1 = polylines[0]
lengthForFirstPoly = polyLine1.getLength()
print "length for first polyline (first 5 coordinates) -> ", lengthForFirstPoly
## Gets the points for second polyline
polyLine2 = polylines[1]
lengthForSecondPoly = polyLine2.getLength()
print "length for Second polyline (last 13 coordinates) -> ", lengthForSecondPoly
print "error in processing polyline objects created"
from Tkinter import *
master = Tk()
master2 = Tk()
w = Canvas(master, width=800, height=600)
w.create_line(0, 0, 200, 100)
w = Canvas(master2, width=800, height=600)
w.create_line(0, 0, 200, 297)