我正在尝试创建一个多维 StdClass 对象,但输出始终来自第一个和第二个 foreach 循环的最后一个循环,而不是所有循环的集合。

每天应该有 3 个 $exercises 里面。有 5 天,但只有 1 天有 1 次锻炼。

功能&电流输出: http: //paste.laravel.com/WIU


2 回答 2


看起来正在发生的事情是每次循环时都会覆盖对象的days属性。data而不是 a stdClass,$data->days应该是一个数组,然后您应该将stdClass描述每天的对象添加到该数组中......像这样(使用第 14 行左右的部分代码):

$data->days = array(); //create the array
foreach ($jsonDays as $day) 
            $newDay = new stdClass(); //create a day object
            $newDay = $day->day; //add things to the day object
            $data->days[] = $newDay; //push the day object onto your day array.


于 2013-10-06T01:52:43.723 回答

当提供简单对象时,对 stdObject 没有特别的需求。这是一个简单的多维对象结构,用于存储数据数组。


//create exercise array: 3 exercise rows x 5 day columns
$ex[0] = ["aa", "ab", "ac", "ad", "ae"];
$ex[1] = ["ba", "bb", "bc", "bd", "be"];
$ex[2] = ["ca", "cb", "cc", "cd", "ce"];

//create your day class for the 3 exercises
class day{
    public $ex0;
    public $ex1;
    public $ex2;

//create your period (days) class for all the days
class days{
    public $days;

//create objects for each day of exercises and store the exercises
for($i=0;$i<count($ex[0]);$i++){ //for each of 5 days
    $day[$i] = new day();
    $day[$i]->ex0 = $ex[0][$i];//1st exercise of the i_th day
    $day[$i]->ex1 = $ex[1][$i];//2nd exercise of the i_th day
    $day[$i]->ex2 = $ex[2][$i];//3rd exercise of the i_th day

//create an object for all the data
$days = new days;

//store the array of day objects with their data in the days object
$days->days = $day;

//confirm object creation and structure

//check the json_encode result
echo "<br><br>" . (json_encode($days)) . "<br>";



days Object ( [days] => Array ( 
[0] => day Object ( [ex0] => aa [ex1] => ba [ex2] => ca ) 
[1] => day Object ( [ex0] => ab [ex1] => bb [ex2] => cb ) 
[2] => day Object ( [ex0] => ac [ex1] => bc [ex2] => cc ) 
[3] => day Object ( [ex0] => ad [ex1] => bd [ex2] => cd ) 
[4] => day Object ( [ex0] => ae [ex1] => be [ex2] => ce ) ) ) 

于 2018-06-01T16:49:29.983 回答