
C 字符串末尾的空字符是否始终为常量且无法修改?意思是,程序员可以修改 C 字符串末尾的空字符 /0 吗?或者它是恒定的并且不能被移除。示例:'Steak' 在 cstring 中,它在位置 5 处有 \0。当 'steak' 被修改时,我们可以完全删除 \0 吗?


2 回答 2


C 字符串末尾的空字符是否始终为常量且无法修改?


const char* str = "steak";

程序员可以修改 C 字符串末尾的空字符 /0 吗?


我们可以完全删除 \0 吗?


于 2013-10-05T23:42:43.007 回答

If the C-string is the return value of the c_str() or data() member functions of std::string, then the standard forbids the modification of the trailing 0 element. Of course, just because the standard forbids it doesn't mean that anything in C++ or its runtime environment will warn you about the violation. It's quite possible that you can write code which attempts to modify the trailing 0, and it will execute without raising any alarms. However, it is also very likely that things will go wrong in unpredictably strange ways.

So don't do it.

于 2013-10-05T23:57:36.960 回答