我正在尝试遍历 instagram api 中的数组。该数组是标签,之后我希望每个标签附加到我的 html 中的一个 li 元素。我已经尝试了几种方法,例如 for 循环中的 for 循环。现在我已经将它设置为数组标签中的第一个元素显示,但我希望每个标签都获得它自己的 li 标签,我需要遍历名为标签的数组还是什么?谢谢!这是我的代码:
//instagram api example, this code makes you fetch images after searching specific hashtag
$(document).ready(function () {
var myId = "---";
//sets so form doesnt override jquery
$('#submit').click(function (event) {
//shows a loading bar when press the btn
// Setup the url for the API
//var url = "https://api.instagram.com/v1/tags/"+input+"/media/recent?client_id=dff465e44a4d4026b554b3d7925643cc&callback=?&count=100";
// Tell jQuery to fetch the data.
// When it returns the data, it will call our `processImages` function
//$.getJSON(url, processImages);
function searchInst() {
$('#load').append('<p>The images are loading..</p><br><img src="img/load.gif">')
var input = $("#textInput").val()
var url = 'https://api.instagram.com/v1/tags/' + input + '/media/recent?client_id=' + myId + '&callback=?&count=100'
$.getJSON(url, processImages);
function processImages(chilibiff) {
// The variable f represents the information we got back.
var i = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < chilibiff.data.length; i++) {
var f = chilibiff.data[i]
var imgSrc = f.images.standard_resolution.url
var userImg = f.user.profile_picture
var userName = f.user.username
//tag for loop doesn't work, try code for in on your server
var tags = f.tags[0]
$('.feed').append('<img src="' + userImg + '" id="profile"><p>' + userName + '</p>')
$('.feed').append('<img src="' + imgSrc + '">')
$('.feed').append('<li>' + tags + '</li>')