A space filling curve is an example for a spatial index method. Mathematically it's H(x,y)=(h(X), h(Y)). It's a curve that fills the surface completely and also subdivide it. It's also reduce the dimension and because it's a curve it traverse only adjacent cells. It's similar to a quadtree spatial index which is also often use for nearest-neighbor search. Source:http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spatial_database
您可以将这些类型用于具有坐标系的任何事物,地球上位置的纬度和经度,客户位置或区域是地理类型的典型用途。您还可以为任何具有 x,y 样式尺寸、建筑物平面图、接线图或 CAD 模型(如果您愿意的话)使用几何类型保留任意坐标。