public static void main(String args[]) {
String pal = "abc";
check(pal); // Nested methods are not allowed, thus calling the check
// method, which is now placed outside main
public static void check(String pal) {
if (pal == null) {
System.out.println("Null Value..Exit");
} else {
StringBuilder str = new StringBuilder(pal);
// I think I confused you by doing the below.
// str = str.reverse(); // commenting this
str.reverse(); // adding this
// str.reverse(); reverse will affect the str object. I just assigned it back to make it easier for you
// That's why if you add a SOP with str.reverse, it'll reverse the string again, which will give the original string back
// Original string will always be equal to itself. that's why your if will always be true
// give a SOP with str.toString, not reverse.
// str.toString is used because str is a StringBuilder object and not a String object.
if (pal.equals(str.toString())) { // if the string and its reverse are equal, then its a palindrome
} else {
System.out.println("Not a Palindrome");