{"实体 '<GetEnumerator>d__0' 没有映射 Id。使用 Id 方法映射您的身份属性。例如:Id(x => x.Id)。"}
但 getEnumerator 是一种方法。我不知道为什么要像实体一样处理这个!!
public IEnumerator<MenuComponent> GetEnumerator()
foreach (MenuComponent child in menuComponents)
yield return this;
public class AutomappingConfiguration: DefaultAutomappingConfiguration
//As we do not explicitly map entities or value objects, we define conventions or exceptions
//for the AutoMapper. We do this by implementing a configuration class.
//this method instructs the AutoMapper to consider only those classes for mapping
//which reside in the same namespace as the Employeeentity.
public override bool ShouldMap(Type type)
return type.Namespace == typeof(Menu).Namespace;
public abstract class CombatElement
public virtual string Name { get; set; }
public virtual Guid Id { get; set; }
public virtual void Add(
CombatElement element)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public virtual void
Remove(CombatElement element)
throw new NotImplementedException();
public virtual
throw new NotImplementedException();
public abstract void Fight();
public abstract void Move();
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace FluentNHibernateMvc3.Models
public class Formation : CombatElement
private List<CombatElement> _elements;
public virtual IEnumerable<CombatElement> Elements { get { return _elements; } }
public Formation()
_elements = new List<CombatElement>();
public override void Add(
CombatElement element)
public override void
Remove(CombatElement element)
public override void Fight()
Debug.WriteLine(this.Name + " Formation is fighting");
public override void Move()
Debug.WriteLine(this.Name + " Formation is moving");
public override
// yield up this current object first
yield return this;
// iterate through all child elements
foreach (CombatElement fe in
// + iterate through each of its elements
foreach (CombatElement feInner
in fe.GetElements())
yield return feInner;
public class Soldier : CombatElement
public virtual int Rank { get; set; }
public override void Fight()
Debug.WriteLine(this.Name + " soldier is fighting");
public override void Move()
Debug.WriteLine(this.Name + " soldier is fighting");
public override
yield return this;
// Returns our session factory
private static ISessionFactory CreateSessionFactory()
//m => m.FluentMappings.AddFromAssemblyOf<FormationMap>()
return Fluently.Configure()
.Database( CreateDbConfig )
.Mappings(m => m.AutoMappings.Add(CreateMappings()))
.ExposeConfiguration( UpdateSchema )
// Returns our database configuration
private static MsSqlConfiguration CreateDbConfig()
return MsSqlConfiguration
.ConnectionString( c => c.FromConnectionStringWithKey( "testConn" ) );
// Returns our mappings
private static AutoPersistenceModel CreateMappings()
var cfg = new AutomappingConfiguration();
return AutoMap
.Conventions.Setup( c => c.Add( DefaultCascade.SaveUpdate() ) );
// Updates the database schema if there are any changes to the model,
// or drops and creates it if it doesn't exist
private static void UpdateSchema( Configuration cfg )
new SchemaUpdate( cfg )
.Execute( false, true );