我不知道发生了什么,但突然 syncdb 停止工作。
当我调用“ python manage.py syncdb ”时,我收到这样的消息:
Creating tables ...
Creating table auth_permission
Creating table auth_group_permissions
Creating table auth_group
Creating table django_content_type
Creating table django_session
Creating table django_site
Creating table django_admin_log
... (my apps)
You just installed Django's auth system, which means you don't have any superusers defined.
Would you like to create one now? (yes/no): yes
Username: m
Email address: m@m.com
First name: m
Last name: m
Password (again):
DoesNotExist: Group matching query does not exist.
当我调用“ python manage.py createsuperuser ”时也是如此。