
Map<<key1, key2>, List<value>>

地图应包含 2 个键,对应的值将是一个列表。如果 alteast 一个键值相等,我想在同一个列表中添加记录 例如考虑以下记录

R1[key1, key2]
R2[key1, null/empty] - Key1 is equal
R3[null/empty, key2] - Key2 is equal
R4[key1, key2] - Key1 and Key2 both are equal.


Key = <Key1,Key2> 
Value = <R1, R2, R3, R4>

我不能使用Guava 表commons MulitKeyMap(不想为此包含整个库)。

我试图实现一个类(我可以将其用作键),它将同时具有key1key2作为属性,但实现不考虑 key1 和 key2 的有效哈希码似乎有点(或可能很多)棘手

public class Key {
    private int key1;
    private int key2;

    public int hashCode() {
        final int prime = 31;
        int result = 1;
        // Cant include key1 and key2 in hashcode 
       /* result = prime * result + key1;
        result = prime * result + key2;*/
        return result;

    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
        if (this == obj)
            return true;
        if (obj == null)
            return false;
        if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
            return false;
        Key other = (Key) obj;
        if(key2 and other.key2 both not blank/null){ // pseudo code
        if (key2 == other.key2)
            return true;
        if(key1 and other.key1 both not blank/null){ //pseudo code
        if (key1 == other.key1)
            return true;
        return true;




Map<key1, Map< key2, List<value>>>


  R1[key1, key2]     - Have both keys
  R2[key1, null/empty] - Key1 is equal
  R3[null/empty, key2] - Key1 is missing and key2 is equal

这里 R3 没有 key1,因此不能插入到与 R1 和 R2 相同的位置

编辑 2:



9 回答 9


根据定义,映射每个值有 1 个键。

你可以有一张地图,或者你的钥匙可以是一个有 2 个字段的对象,但这是你能得到的最接近的。


Map myMap<key, Map<otherkey, value>>


public class MapKey {
    public Object keyFirstPart;
    public Object keySecondPart;

    // You'll need to implement equals, hashcode, etc

Map myyMap <MapKey, value>
于 2013-10-04T08:49:12.613 回答

请改用 TreeMap,这样您就可以为您的 CustomKey 类使用自定义比较器而不是 Hashcode。

TreeMap<CustomKey, List<value>> map = new TreeMap<CustomKey, List<value>>(myComparator);

eta:您可以使 CustomKey 类实现 Comparable,而不是创建比较器类

于 2013-10-04T09:07:17.700 回答

如果需要类似 HashMap 的行为,我会创建两个 Map,并在处理集合时发挥魔力(另外,我建议为此使用 Set...):

public class MyMap<K1, K2, V> {
  Map<K1, Collection<V>> map1;
  Map<K2, Collection<V>> map2;

  //have to add to both lists
  put(K1 k1, K2 k2, V v) {
     addToCollection(map1, k1, v);
     addToCollection(map2, k2, v);

  //notice T param
  <T> void addToCollection(Map<T, Collection<V>> map, T key, V value ) {
     Collection<V> collection= map.get(key);
     if(collection==null) {
       collection= new HashSet<V>();
       map.put(key, collection);
     collection.add(value );

  public Collection<V> get(K1 k1, K2 k2) {
     Collection<V> toReturn = new HashSet<V>();
     Collection<V> coll1 = map1.get(k1);
     if(coll1!=null) {

     Collection<V> coll2 = map2.get(k2);
     if(coll2!=null) {

     return toReturn;
于 2013-10-04T09:21:10.957 回答


为 Map 的键创建一个类

public class MapKey {
private Object key1;
private Object key2;

public boolean equals(Object object) {
    boolean equals = false;
    if (((MapKey) object).key1 == null && ((MapKey) object).key2 == null) {
        equals = true;
    if (((MapKey) object).key1.equals(this.key1) && ((MapKey) object).key2.equals(this.key2)) {
        equals = true;
    if (((MapKey) object).key1 == null && ((MapKey) object).key2.equals(this.key2)) {
        equals = true;
    if (((MapKey) object).key1.equals(this.key1) && ((MapKey) object).key2 == null) {
        equals = true;
    return equals;


public int hashCode() {
    return 1;

public Object getKey1() {
    return key1;

public void setKey1(Object key1) {
    this.key1 = key1;

public Object getKey2() {
    return key2;

public void setKey2(Object key2) {
    this.key2 = key2;

在上述类中,您可以根据需要修改 key1 和 key2 的 DataTypes。这是将执行所需逻辑的主类

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

public class MapWithTwoKeys {
private static final Map<MapKey, List<Object>> mapWithTwoKeys = new HashMap<MapKey,     List<Object>>();

public static void main(String[] args) {

// Create first map entry with key <A,B>.
MapKey mapKey1 = new MapKey();

List<Object> list1 = new ArrayList<Object>();
list1.add("List1 Entry");

put(mapKey1, list1);

// Create second map entry with key <A,B>, append value.
MapKey mapKey2 = new MapKey();

List<Object> list2 = new ArrayList<Object>();
list2.add("List2 Entry");

put(mapKey2, list2);

// Create third map entry with key <A,>.
MapKey mapKey3 = new MapKey();

List<Object> list3 = new ArrayList<Object>();
list3.add("List3 Entry");

put(mapKey3, list3);

// Create forth map entry with key <,>.
MapKey mapKey4 = new MapKey();

List<Object> list4 = new ArrayList<Object>();
list4.add("List4 Entry");

put(mapKey4, list4);

// Create forth map entry with key <,B>.
MapKey mapKey5 = new MapKey();

List<Object> list5 = new ArrayList<Object>();
list5.add("List5 Entry");

put(mapKey5, list5);

for (Map.Entry<MapKey, List<Object>> entry : mapWithTwoKeys.entrySet()) {
System.out.println("MapKey Key: <" + entry.getKey().getKey1() + ","
        + entry.getKey().getKey2() + ">");
System.out.println("Value: " + entry.getValue());

 * Custom put method for the map.
 * @param mapKey2 (MapKey... the key object of the Map).
 * @param list (List of Object... the value of the Map).
private static void put(MapKey mapKey2, List<Object> list) {
if (mapWithTwoKeys.get(mapKey2) == null) {
    mapWithTwoKeys.put(mapKey2, new ArrayList<Object>());


于 2013-10-04T17:50:52.033 回答

我认为下面的解决方案对你有用 - 我使用MyKey.java对象作为 HashMap 的键。它包含密钥和哈希码。哈希码将用于识别您在问题中列出的不同键组合的值列表。当您第一次注册两个密钥时会生成此哈希码。它针对每个键存储,因此即使其中一个键为空,您也将获得相同的哈希码。

MultiKeyMap.java => 扩展 HashMap 并覆盖 'put' 和 'get' 方法。populateHashKey() - 此方法将为您想要的不同键组合生成/返回相同的哈希码。

注意:插入顺序由 Arraylist 维护。此外,每个组合键的所有值都将存储在 Map 中的相同列表中。

package test.map;

public class MyKey {

    private String myKey1;
    private String myKey2;
    private int hashKey;

    public MyKey(String key1, String key2) {
       this.myKey1 = key1;
       this.myKey2 = key2;
     * @return the myKey1
    public String getMyKey1() {
        return this.myKey1;
     * @param tmpMyKey1 the myKey1 to set
    public void setMyKey1(String tmpMyKey1) {
        this.myKey1 = tmpMyKey1;
     * @return the myKey2
    public String getMyKey2() {
        return this.myKey2;
     * @param tmpMyKey2 the myKey2 to set
    public void setMyKey2(String tmpMyKey2) {
        this.myKey2 = tmpMyKey2;
     * Returns the hash key.
    public int hashCode() {
        return this.hashKey;

    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
        if (this == obj)
            return true;
        if (obj == null)
            return false;
        if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
            return false;
        MyKey other = (MyKey) obj;
        if(checkEqual(this.myKey1, other.myKey1) 
                || checkEqual(this.myKey2, other.myKey2)) {
            return true;

        return false;
     * Checks whether key1 equals key2.
    private boolean checkEqual(String key1, String key2) {
        if(key1 != null && key2 != null) {
            return key1.equals(key2);
        return false;
     * @return the hashKey
    public int getHashKey() {
        return this.hashKey;
     * @param tmpHashKey the hashKey to set
    public void setHashKey(int tmpHashKey) {
        this.hashKey = tmpHashKey;

MultiKeyMap.java -

  package test.map;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

public class MultiKeyMap extends HashMap<MyKey, List<String>>{

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 3523468186955908397L;
    Map<String, Integer> hashKeyMap = new HashMap<String, Integer>();

     * Adds single value in the List of values against the key
    public List<String> addValue(MyKey tmpKey, String tmpValue) {
        List<String> orgValue = null;
        if(tmpKey.getHashKey() != -1) {
            orgValue = super.get(tmpKey);
            if(orgValue == null) {
                orgValue = new ArrayList<String>();
                super.put(tmpKey, orgValue);
        return orgValue;

    public List<String> put(MyKey tmpKey, List<String> tmpValue) {
        List<String> orgValue = null;
        if(tmpKey.getHashKey() != -1) {
            orgValue = super.get(tmpKey);
            if(orgValue == null) {
                orgValue = new ArrayList<String>();
                super.put(tmpKey, orgValue);
        return orgValue;

    public List<String> get(Object tmpKey) {
        if(!(tmpKey instanceof MyKey)) {
            return null;
        MyKey key = (MyKey) tmpKey;
        return super.get(key);
     * Populates the hashKey generated for the MyKey combination. If the both Key1 and Key 2 are not null and its hash key is not generated
     * earlier then it will generate the hash key using both keys and stores it in class level map 'hashKeyMap' against both keys.
     * @param tmpKey
    public void populateHashKey(MyKey tmpKey) {
        int hashKey = -1;
        if(tmpKey.getMyKey1() != null && this.hashKeyMap.containsKey(tmpKey.getMyKey1()+"_")) {
            hashKey = this.hashKeyMap.get(tmpKey.getMyKey1()+"_");
        } else if(tmpKey.getMyKey2() != null && this.hashKeyMap.containsKey("_"+tmpKey.getMyKey2())) {
            hashKey = this.hashKeyMap.get("_"+tmpKey.getMyKey2());
         * Assumption - While insertion you will always add first value with Key1 and Key2 both as not null. Hash key will be build only
         * when both keys are not null and its not generated earlier.
        if(hashKey == -1 && tmpKey.getMyKey1() != null && tmpKey.getMyKey2() != null) {
            hashKey = buildHashKey(tmpKey);
            this.hashKeyMap.put(tmpKey.getMyKey1()+"_", hashKey);
            this.hashKeyMap.put("_"+tmpKey.getMyKey2(), hashKey);

    public int buildHashKey(MyKey tmpKey) {
        final int prime = 31;
        int result = 1;
        result = prime * result + ((tmpKey.getMyKey1() == null) ? 0 : tmpKey.getMyKey1().hashCode());
        result = prime * result + ((tmpKey.getMyKey1() == null) ? 0 : tmpKey.getMyKey1().hashCode());
        return result;


import test.map.MultiKeyMap;
import test.map.MyKey;

public class TestMultiKeyMap {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

        System.out.println("=====Add values for each type of key==========");
        MyKey regKey = new MyKey("Key1", "Key2");
        MultiKeyMap myMap = new MultiKeyMap();
        //Register the MyKey having both keys as NOT null.
        System.out.println("Entry 1:"+myMap.addValue(regKey, "Key Reg"));

        MyKey key1 = new MyKey("Key1", null);
        //Add value against MyKey with only Key2
        System.out.println("Entry 2:"+myMap.addValue(key1, "Key1"));

        MyKey key2 = new MyKey(null, "Key2");
        //Add value against MyKey with only Key1
        System.out.println("Entry 3:"+myMap.addValue(key2, "Key2"));

        MyKey bothKey = new MyKey("Key1", "Key2");
        //Add value against MyKey with only Key1
        System.out.println("Entry 4:"+myMap.addValue(bothKey, "both keys"));

        System.out.println("=====Retrieve values for each type of key==========");
        MyKey getKey1 = new MyKey("Key1", null);
        System.out.println("Values for Key1:"+myMap.get(getKey1));

        MyKey getKey2 = new MyKey(null, "Key2");
        System.out.println("Values for Key2:"+myMap.get(getKey2));

        MyKey getBothKey = new MyKey("Key1", "Key2");
        System.out.println("Values for both keys:"+myMap.get(getBothKey));


输出 -

=====Add values for each type of key==========
Entry 1:[Key Reg]
Entry 2:[Key Reg, Key1]
Entry 3:[Key Reg, Key1, Key2]
Entry 4:[Key Reg, Key1, Key2, both keys]
=====Retrieve values for each type of key==========
Values for Key1:[Key Reg, Key1, Key2, both keys]
Values for Key2:[Key Reg, Key1, Key2, both keys]
Values for both keys:[Key Reg, Key1, Key2, both keys]
于 2013-10-07T08:58:04.780 回答

仅检查 key1 的哈希码,如果匹配,则无论如何我们在 equals 方法中进行测试。

    public int hashCode() {
        return key1.hashCode();

public boolean equals(Object obj) {
Key k = (Key)obj;
// Generic equals code goes here
    if(this.key1.equals(k.key1) && this.key2.equals(k.key2) )
        return true;
    return false;
于 2013-10-04T09:02:56.180 回答


所以你可以有一个内部映射来做到这一点(这里我有一组键,而不是只有 2 个)。

Map<V, Set<K>> keySetMap = new HashMap<V, Set<K>>();


public class MultiKeyMap<K, V> extends LinkedHashMap<K, V> {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    private Map<V, Set<K>> keySetMap = new HashMap<V, Set<K>>();

    public V put(K key, V value) {
        V v = null;

        Set<K> keySet = keySetMap.get(value);
        if(keySet == null) {
            keySet = new LinkedHashSet<K>();
            keySetMap.put(value, keySet);

        v = super.put(key, value);

        // update the old keys to reference the new value
        Set<K> oldKeySet =  keySetMap.get(v);
        if(oldKeySet != null) {
            for(K k : oldKeySet) {
                super.put(k, value);

        return v;


public void multiKeyMapString() {
    MultiKeyMap<String, String> m = new MultiKeyMap<String, String>();

    m.put("1", "A");
    m.put("2", "B");

    for(Entry<String, String> e : m.entrySet()) {
        System.out.println("K=" + e.getKey() + ", V=" + e.getValue().toString());

    m.put("3", "A");

    for(Entry<String, String> e : m.entrySet()) {
        System.out.println("K=" + e.getKey() + ", V=" + e.getValue().toString());

    m.put("4", "C");

    for(Entry<String, String> e : m.entrySet()) {
        System.out.println("K=" + e.getKey() + ", V=" + e.getValue().toString());

    m.put("3", "D");

    for(Entry<String, String> e : m.entrySet()) {
        System.out.println("K=" + e.getKey() + ", V=" + e.getValue().toString());

    System.out.println("values=" + m.values());



K=1, V=A
K=2, V=B
K=1, V=A
K=2, V=B
K=3, V=A
K=1, V=A
K=2, V=B
K=3, V=A
K=4, V=C
K=1, V=D
K=2, V=B
K=3, V=D
K=4, V=C
values=[D, B, C]



public void multiKeyMapList() {
    List<String> l = new ArrayList<String>();
    MultiKeyMap<String, List<String>> m = new MultiKeyMap<String, List<String>>();

    m.put("1", l);
    m.put("2", l);

    for(Entry<String, List<String>> e : m.entrySet()) {
        System.out.println("K=" + e.getKey() + ", V=" + e.getValue().toString());

    m.put("3", l);

    for(Entry<String, List<String>> e : m.entrySet()) {
        System.out.println("K=" + e.getKey() + ", V=" + e.getValue().toString());

    l = new ArrayList<String>();

    m.put("4", l);

    for(Entry<String, List<String>> e : m.entrySet()) {
        System.out.println("K=" + e.getKey() + ", V=" + e.getValue().toString());

    m.put("3", l);

    for(Entry<String, List<String>> e : m.entrySet()) {
        System.out.println("K=" + e.getKey() + ", V=" + e.getValue().toString());

    System.out.println("values=" + m.values());


K=1, V=[foo, bar]
K=2, V=[foo, bar]
K=1, V=[foo, bar, foobar]
K=2, V=[foo, bar, foobar]
K=3, V=[foo, bar, foobar]
K=1, V=[foo, bar, foobar]
K=2, V=[foo, bar, foobar]
K=3, V=[foo, bar, foobar]
K=4, V=[bla]
K=1, V=[foo, bar, foobar]
K=2, V=[foo, bar, foobar]
K=3, V=[bla]
K=4, V=[bla]
values=[[foo, bar, foobar], [bla]]

如您所见,映射的值1尚未2更新,仅在将键3转换为映射另一个值之后。原因是hashCoderesultng from[foo, bar][foo, bar, foobar]导致Map#get不返回正确结果的原因不同。要克服这个问题,您需要通过与实际值进行比较来获取一组键。

public class MultiKeyMap<K, V> extends LinkedHashMap<K, V> {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    private Map<V, Set<K>> keySetMap = new HashMap<V, Set<K>>();

    public V put(K key, V value) {
        V v = null;

        Set<K> keySet = keySetMap.get(value);
        if (keySet == null) {
            keySet = new LinkedHashSet<K>();
            keySetMap.put(value, keySet);

        v = super.put(key, value);

        // update the old keys to reference the new value
        for (K k : getKeySetByValue(v)) {
            super.put(k, value);

        return v;

    public Collection<V> values() {
        // distinct values
        return new LinkedHashSet<V>(super.values());

    private Set<K> getKeySetByValue(V v) {
        Set<K> set = null;
        if (v != null) {
            for (Map.Entry<V, Set<K>> e : keySetMap.entrySet()) {
                if (v.equals(e.getKey())) {
                    set = e.getValue();
        return set == null ? Collections.<K> emptySet() : set;



K=1, V=A
K=2, V=B
K=1, V=A
K=2, V=B
K=3, V=A
K=1, V=A
K=2, V=B
K=3, V=A
K=4, V=C
K=1, V=D
K=2, V=B
K=3, V=D
K=4, V=C
values=[D, B, C]


K=1, V=[foo, bar]
K=2, V=[foo, bar]
K=1, V=[foo, bar, foobar]
K=2, V=[foo, bar, foobar]
K=3, V=[foo, bar, foobar]
K=1, V=[foo, bar, foobar]
K=2, V=[foo, bar, foobar]
K=3, V=[foo, bar, foobar]
K=4, V=[bla]
K=1, V=[bla]
K=2, V=[bla]
K=3, V=[bla]
K=4, V=[bla]


于 2013-10-04T13:11:08.773 回答

请使用 Apache Commons Lang 库中出色的辅助类 EqualsBuilder 和 HashCodeBuilder。一个例子:

public class Person {
    private String name;
    private int age;
    // ...

    public int hashCode() {
        return new HashCodeBuilder(17, 31). // two randomly chosen prime numbers
            // if deriving: appendSuper(super.hashCode()).

    public boolean equals(Object obj) {
        if (obj == null)
            return false;
        if (obj == this)
            return true;
        if (!(obj instanceof Person))
            return false;

        Person rhs = (Person) obj;
        return new EqualsBuilder().
            // if deriving: appendSuper(super.equals(obj)).
            append(name, rhs.name).
            append(age, rhs.age).


于 2013-10-07T09:37:03.100 回答

创建另一个Map保存关系键->中间键。中间密钥可以是 GUID 或其他自动生成并保证唯​​一的东西。

  Map<String, GUID> first = new HashMap<String, GUID>();
  first.put(key1, guid1);
  first.put(key2, guid1);

  Map<GUID, ValueType> second = new HashMap<GUID, ValueType>();
  second.put(guid1, value1);

或者(虽然我发现它更复杂,更不灵活),你可以玩这些键。如果key1.equals(key2)(因此,key2.equals(key1)&& (key1.hashCode() == key2.hashCode ) thenMap.get(key1) will return the same value thanMap.get(key2)`。

于 2013-10-04T08:51:15.360 回答