I am working on windows phone 8 Thy type or namespace name 'SqLite' could not be found (are you missing a using directive or an assembly reference?)
My process was
- I cloned git repo into my local.
- I added that c++ project (Sqlite) into my existing project.
- Than i added Sqlite-net ( SQLite.cs and SQLiteAsync.cs) into my project.
- Than created USE_WP8_NATIVE_SQLITE compilation symbol successfully.
But than i build my project it shows same error for three lines in "SQLite.cs" which are following.
using Sqlite3 = Sqlite.Sqlite3;
using Sqlite3DatabaseHandle = Sqlite.Database;
using Sqlite3Statement = Sqlite.Statement;
Please help me to solve this problem, my VS2012 is well configured and fulfilling the requirment for creation Sqlite DB into WP8.
Need Help, Thanks in advance.